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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. Agree 100% I'm a die-hard sabres fan but I'm actually more excited for and will go out if my way to watch the UB game. I haven't done that once with the sabres this year after week 1 Agree 100% I'm a die-hard sabres fan but I'm actually more excited for and will go out if my way to watch the UB game. I haven't done that once with the sabres this year after week 1
  2. Good for UB to get some love. This will only help get more recruits and develop their program the more exposure they get
  3. Were really good at being excited for teams that consistently fail and under achieve. Were the best at it.
  4. My great uncle (who just recently passed) sure didn't forget. He carried shrapnel in his body he was wounded by in the ardennes forest during the battle of the bulge. He to the day he died had a grudge against Germany even 65 years later it had such an effect on him. Snowballs chance in hell he would ever even sit in a Mercedes Benz.
  5. Just curious to see where everyone stands on certain issues and if there is an unlikely agreement or common ground between some of the farther right or left posters here. go ahead put your position on record. Where do you stand on; The 2nd amendment and gun control? Obamacare / healthcare? The current tax code and IRS? War on drugs / legalization of drugs? Gay marriage? Social security / private social security? Government sanctioned spy programs on US citizens? Should congress have to pass a budget, and should it be balanced? How big should government be? How important are personal individual freedoms? Should the US have an official religion, give any religion preference, or outlaw any religious element. Should the US have an official language? Voter ID laws? Should you have to prove who you are? Who should be eligible to vote? Political office term limits? Any additional comments, categories to discuss? Feel free to add
  6. I think it shows the bills current regime is putting in the leg work to find talent and can identify quality players.
  7. Is this supposed to be a sequel set after return of the Jedi?
  8. I hate 99% of all celebrities and the idiots who obsess over them and buy all the stupid tabloids and care about what these !@#$tards do. They are complete out of touch tools. A few celebrities are ok, they are the exception. It's an annoying and cliche to hear the players say things like in august they will ramble about how they are waiting for the bullets to be flying for real in September. Wtf? That analogy makes no sense.
  9. If she has any common sense she should try to say she drove to school sober and then got after it in the parking lot or school bathroom or teachers lounge crushing her coffee travel mug full of vodka Orange juice. If I had to teach high schoolers I would drink before work too.
  10. And about 10,000,000 more heathly 21-30 year olds to buy into the system to keep it from running out of money
  11. Because he is a sociopath egotistical tool. He can't fathom that its his fault or that he has done anything wrong. So he falls back to what he does best, blames others, claims ignorance, avoids leadership at all costs and plays the victim. Deep down he doesn't care. He will tell whatever lie he has to to further himself and his agenda.
  12. This is how I look at it too
  13. Yes...more bush vs Clinton. Sigh..... Kinda kidding but not really because there are enough dumb people who vote so how much longer until chelsea Clinton can claim her heir to the throne
  14. It's pathetic how much they struggle to just win a game in regulation. If they didn't get loser points for just making it to overtime they could be a historically bad team.
  15. Why would Romney have not been the right answer? Granted He was not perfect, I Didnt agree with everything he said or all of his positions, but compared to obama he would have been the right choice for the country. Looking back at their campaigns Romney has already proven to be more right than wrong. What difference does it make??!!!?? I think mccain is still hanging around somewhere.3rd times a charm!
  16. When I see the ball sailing in TJ Grahams general direction I'm usually nervous feeling
  17. Liberals, preaching and demanding tolerance to all. Except anyone who doesn't agree with them
  18. Lol read the article about what she had her drama class do. Sounds like this broad is a total nympho
  19. What is Virginias regular sales tax?
  20. Agreed its bad. If I was a die hard Ohio fan, something would have gone through my tv on that "not really a" safety call (in addition to their laundry list of questionable at best calls to that point) The legend of khalil Mack. "You don't even have to be in the end zone for him to safety you" But man...Oliver is a man amongst boys.
  21. I'm just anxious to get EJ back and to see how the team responds and see what happens...
  22. One used firing squads and piano wire to get his message through, the other is ruining careers and veiled threats to get his message across. Different methods used, same intent to control the military.
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