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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. I would take rivers over either dalton or eli in a second.
  2. After I'm done shopping at the new bass pro shop I can drive to work at the new high tech hub, maybe later ill go to Canada on the new peace bridge. /cynical
  3. It's shaping up to be an interesting bye Sunday....
  4. It's cute that Herr Obama wants to pick and choose what parts of history to commemerate, its telling what parts of history he changes to fit his revisionist mentality and ideology.
  5. I almost got killed by that wrong way driving douchebag on the 190 2 summers ago so this pisses me off. !@#$ that nasty rotten skank. She's a waste and she has ruined other peoples lives.
  6. I wish I knew more or had more exposure to rugby. Seems like that could have a lot going for it...
  7. Swedish fish.
  8. 2 I've tried my. Fair share of wings elsewhere and its not the same.
  9. The rich just need to pay their fair share. Forward!
  10. They push the image of guys being morons, but its even subtle things like I saw a commercial yesterday that a guy was trying to fix pipes under his sink and caused a disaster...don't remember the commercial but that's beside the point. It's not cool anymore to be an intelligent strong willed guy who is capable of doing things, uses logic and knows best.
  11. To me Oliver looks like a young MJD
  12. Shannahan = over rated. I'm glad he is not our coach
  13. !@#$ I hate this guy. Such a worthless ego maniac.
  14. Now we know why the IRS wanted to procure millions of rounds of ammo.... But on a serious note as a father (luckily my.kids generally have good health) if any of them ever wasted away because of this FUBARd healthcare mess, I'm saying right now while I'm completely calm and rational, that I'm certain I would not handle it well and would have real anger that I probably would not be able to control. Edit- I feel for some of our friends. He owns a business and his wife had full time hours with a company and she got their health insurance, she just found out her hours are getting cut (I explained its a side effect of this terrible legislation) and now their daughter has no insurance until they can figure something out
  15. This website is like an all you can hack buffet for hackers and identity theives. Since you are now forced to have health insurance and enroll on this website if needed.... since its law, and you comply, and your identity is stolen and your back account drained, can the government be held liable?
  16. What pisses me off is that in media, commercials and sit coms guys are always portrayed as bumbling useless idiots who are likely to harm themselves until a smart woman comes and keeps it all together
  17. Thank god. Good bye Dan Thank god. Good bye Dan
  18. Honey trap if there ever was one..where can I sign over the nuke codes?? Need to see more....
  19. Yes yes yes. Why isn't ANYONE asking these simple basic questions? Any stupid half brain journalist undergrad could even formulate this line of questioning. Sigh..... Are you special? Instead of talking about the current issue of what the !@#$ exactly happened in benghazi you want to distract attention to Reagan... sigh... at least you didn't blame bush again.
  20. I still wonder what was going on at the CIA annex. I bet that ultimately the weapons that the CIA Was told to give to the terrorists err I meant freedom fighting rebels ultimately were used against us and that is one of the reasons they are trying so hard and doing such a bad job at stonewalling and diverting our attention. I would also love to know where and what obama was doing when the phone rang and said the compound was under attack... why is that so mysterious and why is no one asking?
  21. Omg...what the hell....??? Looks like he tried to slide down railing...or maybe was leaning on the railing passed out then slid and tumbled Hope all involved are ok with no permanent injuries
  22. Thanks this was the article I was speaking of. But remember...it was a shadowy character with an obscure YouTube video no one watched that led to spontaneous coordinated attacks. Most transparent administration in history! Yes we can! Hope and change! Forward!
  23. US singles work just fine.
  24. Even aaron maybin would like great basking in the awesomeness of kiko
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