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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. Different situations. Let me rephrase the scenario. .. Everything is exactly the same except the Robertson family are proud Muslims. Every single spoken word remains the ssme but instead they are Muslims talking about Allah and the Koran. Does Phil still get banned? Does gladd still protest?
  2. Generally speaking many who watch the show do so because the Robertsons proudly show off their love of god, family, county and guns. The viewers who identify with the show which has made it so popular identity with them. These are generally the type of people who are going to feel that their own beliefs and convictions are personally being attacked and have lots of anger towards AE. I think its pathetic to constantly hear about tolerance diversity and respect. Those hollow talking points only apply to the whiney left bitches. Tolerance only counts when it agrees with their agenda. Where is the outcry to be tolerant and accept Christians for their beliefs? Its ok to mock Christian s because they don't fit the left's agenda. !@#$ gladd hypocrites and AE
  3. What type of work do you do? Do you work for a large corporation? How are the relocation benefits?
  4. I'm convinced most celebrities are the dumbest mother !@#$ers alive. They are delusional. And west is as big of a pompous jackass that is out there.
  5. Cocaine and strippers. Lots of cocaine and strippers.
  6. Glad to hear good news!
  7. RIP. Godspeed
  8. Hilarious.....the unqualified presidents words being translated by an un qualified sign language interpreter
  9. I hated that remake. I was also rooting for godzilla. But this trailer looks interesting. I will keep tabs on this movie
  10. I'm curious to see who they make into a sacrificial lamb to throw into the volcano....
  11. So did my friend who was watching with me
  12. This is the first game I can remember having no emotion afterwards.
  13. It's so frustrating to deal with this garbage for a decade and a half. I'm my entire adult life I've never actually seen the bills be any good.. the closest was 99' and I didnt appreciate it as a kid I thought the bills would just always be good. I'm 30+ to put that in perspective. There is an entire generation of 15-25 year olds that has never seen the bills in the playoffs. !@#$. Think of that. Good luck attracting more fans and being relevant in the league. I'm already trying to follow more teams and even looking for an nfc team t o follow that won't frustrate me soo much and thev inevitable gloom and threats of the team relocating always lurking in the background. .. Being a bills fan sucks.
  14. It goes something like...vote the bums out...except my guy he brings home the bacon. Which is exactly the problem. Corrupt politicians just whore themselves out to buy votes and will bankrupt the country to do it. You cannot win a political fight against Santa Claus even though your right you will still be wrong. And the medis will love to point out how you want to cut entitlement s or services etc...regardless of how bad a program it is ince people have it its not going awsy. We're too stupid for our own good.
  15. You and your family are in my prayers. I don't know how religious you are or not but a good mental state and positive attitude can lead to incredible healing. Try to maybe speak with a preacher or read the bible. Make plans for what you guysb wsnt to do when you recover. Work on planning a vacation together for when she is healed. Anything you can do to stay positive and keep yourself focused on healing will go a long way. I have heard this as well
  16. I tuned in to the game just in time to see the pats* illegally get the on side kick. If you look closely a pats* player gets hit in back of his ankle about 8 yard mark. So it never went the full 10 before being contacted. When the refs let NE keep the ball I knew at that point the fix was in and more calls were coming to keep them in it. !@#$ them and Krafts blackmail pictures of goddell pleasuring men.
  17. This kinda reminds me of the A&E producers trying to tone down the Robertsons in duck dynasty talking about god and guns. Old man phil said if that is the case they will just stop filming the show. I think part if the reason duck dynasty has grown in popularity so much is they embrace who they are and are not embarrassed to show it. There are millions or regular every day Americans who love their family, God, guns and freedoms snd identity with the show The ironic thing is I would wager the majority of football fans that support the nfl are in fact pro gun so I don't understand why the nfl wants to push an agenda
  18. Herr Obama realized he met his uncle...when he heard about it on CNN.
  19. How about the browns game? Or the OT loss to bengals. We could eeasily have a Winn ing record now...but we don't
  20. Honestly I'm happy with our OC and I think the coaching staff deserves a chance to continue building. I have not lost confidence snd considering the injuries and general inexperience in key positions we have had they have done an impressive job.
  21. Would be very interesting if he has success. Rugby is a man's game.
  22. Kinda like how Bush can simultaneously be dumb enough to choke on his own saliva but smart enough to manipulate the entire world. ... Its all how the media portrays an issue. And unfortunately republicans suck at sticking up for themselves and let the democrats and media paint them how they want.
  23. Dear God.... the split tongue caps off the look nicely
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