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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. Im completely snowed in and -5. There are snow drifts in my driveway 3-4 feet deep. Uuggghhh after my coffee time to fire up the snowblower
  2. Sigh... this is not good news. Special teams may have been the bbc.co worst they have been in the past decade
  3. An extra wild card slot coinciding with an aging tom Brady? Holy craps the bills just might make the playoffs this millennium! Great news
  4. F5. Welcome
  5. I take it you (like most people) never read the interview? ? And are just going by what you think you heard?? He goes on about a lot more than just gays.
  6. Hmmm...ok.... This thread might get Interesting. ..references of a billion people in population and serving time in atticam...
  7. Classy move to share success with teammates
  8. So 6 people saw the video. Ugh..shadowy character my ass
  9. Looks like AE gave in and will allow Phil back on show
  10. agree with this
  11. This is a problem for pretty much any state south or west
  12. Brilliant! Register the bills to be kept in the Wilson family via south Dakota trust fund
  13. Cheaper taxes, warmer climate, more personal freedoms? Shocking the peoples republic of New Yorkgrad is losing population to Florida. I have looked into both Jacksonville and Tampa as potential places to relocate to
  14. It would be nice if Christians in the middle east could go to church peacefully to celebrate Christmas without the fear of being blown up and murdered by scumbag cowardly muslim jihadists. Why no worldwide outrage? Where are the bleeding heart liberals to protest the slaughter of Christians on Christmas in church?
  15. Reduce pre season to 2 games against the other conference. and each team plays one regular season game against the team in the other conference that finished in the same position they did the season prior. Example. .the last place team in conference A plays the last place team from conference B. This would create some cross conference interaction
  16. change the divisions to make sense!!!
  17. I think one of two options A- expand to 34 teams. Divide the teams into 2 geographic confrences either north vs south or east vs west. 17 teams per conference. You play everyone in your conference once and the team in the other division that finished same in that division the previous season. That would be a total of 17 regular season games. Reduce pre season to 2or 3 games against the other conference. 2- keep same format but do a drastic revision to current divisions. Take advantage of natural geographic rivals. Ex... put buffalo in division with Cleveland and Pittsburg... why the duck is Dallas in the n fc east and st Louis in the west? Makes so sense. Totally blow all divisions up and logically make new ones. Get creative. Indianapolis Chicago Cincinnati and Detroit. That could be a cool division. St Louis. Kc. Dallas and Houston. As another Tennessee Carolina Atlanta and Jacksonville the SEC division Etc...
  18. Make a wish did a lot for our friends family so I won't say anything bad
  19. "A display from the church of the flying spaghetti monster..." Wtf.
  20. Win out. We need to change the culture more than higher draft picks
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