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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. He will just make them sit in the back seat....oh wait
  2. Any idea where he relocated his company
  3. He doesn't know ny exists outside Albany and down state
  4. I hate ny politics. Every day more and more I want to leave
  5. So the pats* run more wrong pics thsn anyone else but when it happens against them and someone gets hurt its not fun anymore. What a whiny botch. Stfu hoodie
  6. In before xXxX..... Ex. INBTL. in before the thread is locked
  7. Most truly conservative people are in favor of legalization of marijuana. It should be a personal choice and freedom not something that is dictated by the government. Just treat it like alcohol already and be done with it.
  8. Pain and suffering. ... geez I thought this was going to be about the bills or sabres
  9. Obama is nothing more than a race baiting victim card playing empty suit. He is under qualified for office. He is the affirmative action president. He blames all his problems and shortcomings on everyone erred republicans fault. His presidency has pushed race relations back 2 decades with his continous rhetoric, victim mentality and ignorance. He has created and encouraged a MASSIVE divide in this country.
  10. And add to it....that what exactly was going on at the CIA annex? Unfortunately I think its definitely plausible if not likely that we were supplying weapons to the "freedom fighters" terrorist scrum bags who graciously turned around and used them against us. Think the fast and furious scandal was bad? That is my gut on why the administration is stonewalling so badly. They desperately are trying to hide it.
  11. Every time I read your name in a post in this thread your user name makes me think of Daniel pearl
  12. Rip. Its a fun show to watch
  13. I was actually talking about bush administration...
  14. The same incompetent administration that was also smart enough at the same time to manipulate the world ?
  15. Clearly we need to raise school taxes
  16. What difference does it make??!!!??
  17. I am a dad of a daughter. ..so im sure I will deal with these situations as she gets older.... Do you see the irony of the way you worded your response in the way you raise your daughter? On one hand you claim that Islam doesn't teach or reinforce the idea of men know best and women are 2nd class citizens...and on the other side say how fair and great it is and we are the ones who dont get it. But you seem to treat your daughters as inferior and not allow them to develop into independent women who csn make informed and educated decisions for themselves. Im not judging how you are raising them because you can raise them however you choose... but questioning your logic in this argument in relation to womens rights and islam . I could be off base and missed something but seems interesting to me...
  18. This is directed at sharia and the various militant Islamic groups. ...... is there any other established religion that seeks to keep women as second class citizens execute homosexuals kill non believers and force people to convert? It is not all encompassing Islam but it is an established part of the religion. Sharia has even began to spread into western society. England has a fair amount of cultural problems right now where sharia has taken hold in enclaves of Muslim neighborhoods.
  19. Ill take rivers to be my qb
  20. At this point I am rooting for a san Diego vs Carolina super bowl
  21. Anyone playing the Pats* Kinda like the chargers Seahawks Panthers packers.
  22. Oh god. Some things can't be unseen Ugh..dont know this one... do i dare Google it...hmm...
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