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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. Shocking ny is worst.... Anyone have a breakdown on highest taxes by county in NY? curious about upstate vs downstate if there is a difference
  2. Mitt Romney had a horse. He was rich. Rich people who are republican are racist. Hes racist therefore must be in the tea party
  3. This thought goes through my head daily. .. If I can figure out how to make the move work with family im outta here. It has A LOT to do with ny politics and liberal agenda. Ny upstate and downstate have nothing in common. Upstate is constantly raped and taxed to death for this socialist nanny state we live in. Our tax rates and business climate reflect this. You mean times are tough in west Virginia which is heavily dependent upon coal and mining operations which are being attacked by the epa and Obama administration?
  4. He is a conservative talk show host. I think he lives in NYC or long island He was one of the first in conservative media to call Obama what he was back in 07-08 when everyone else thought he was the messiah
  5. Good for getting yourself out. Lol most people wuth suvs dont realize they can do that.... I always laugh on the inside when I see a perfectly capable 4wd suv just barely off the road and the driver sitting there not attempting to get out with a confused look. But you have a jeep...so im sure you get it
  6. There is a lot going on in that area. Between the Korean peninsula and China and Japan sabre rattling in the east china sea
  7. No problem wish you the best in your search. But I stand by my original advice. ...whatever you choose, get a fully locking differential! It will make your truck significantly more capable and bad ass.
  8. how is the weather in salt lake? Is the air that bad? Would have guessed it was nice and fresh with the mountains
  9. Less of his players would get suspended. ....beast mode!
  10. Because the democrats have an opportunity to add 12 million new votes to their party many in states that are currently red and might gain them more power.
  11. Never heard anything bad about tundra. Everyone I know who has one loves one. Also dont know as many people we with Nissan titan but also never heard anything bad. Best advice I have is whatever you get....get fully locking differential. Test drive them all and put the sales guys against each other see who gives you the best deal on what you want
  12. this. Every good defense runs some hybrid especially dependent upon situation
  13. I liked it. It was worth watching. I always like those stories
  14. Curious if he tries to bring suh with him. Tough to really have an opinion on this. The bills were awful against the run with pettine so if we can stay aggressive against the qb and improve our run D I will be satisfied. Maybe Schwartz was in over his head as a HC and is better suited as a DC
  15. He showed up... he voted present. Duh
  16. Like I Said earlier its scary and frightening for weak minded people to have to be responsible for themselves and not expect the government to nanny them and decide everything and provide from cradle to grave
  17. Not be forced to have a government approved health insurance plan. Numerous stupid government regulations. Ability to easily get a pistol permit or rifle of my choice. Lower taxes. Not being spied on. Stop wasting my hard earned taxes on bull ****. Balance the budget. Make our country more self reliant and independent. Stop forcing me to pay into social security that i will never get back. Let me invest on my own and be responsible for my own retirement. Etc
  18. Mitt wasn't perfect but holy crap would we be significantly better off if he was in office right noe
  19. I think for weak minded or lazy people its easy to say that you want big government and want a nanny state to be there to take care of and manage everything from cradle to grave. By living your life that way its easy but you lose personal choice and freedom. I want to live my life with greater freedom more personal choice and less government intrusion. Is it scary for some people to have to think for themselves or make their own decisions sure but by not being dependent upon the government you will be better off being independent. Dont get me wrong there is a place for government. But the monstrosity we have today is a bloated system ever designed to increase its power and foot print snd to reduce individual freedoms. Holy crap we fought a revolutionary war against England to be free but have forgotten governments place. Its easy for a politician to who're out tax money to fancy programs that weak minded people think they want or need but 75% of it is crap and just furthers government consolidating power and further making more and more people dependent upon government for survival. Give me freedom, smaller government, more personal choice. I assume and expect greater personal risk and uncertainties but I do not want to live my life dependent upon what the government gives me or allows me to do.
  20. RINO establishment republicans lost the senate.
  21. Obama is more thin skinned than a reservoir tipped latex condom. He is a petty ego maniac.
  22. If you think he's so crazy why waste your time listening to his show and going through the trouble big calling in?? Its like Palin. You liberals can't help but go on irrational crusades against people who are in public a nb d vocally oppose your viewpoints. Tolerance right? As long as it agrees with the liberal agenda.. What about him is racist? You called him a racist. Back it up with specific examples
  23. He killed that guy with cancer. And put the dog on the roof. That guy.
  24. Doomed. .......... Hmmm..who's next bills DC
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