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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. Dumbest thing ever
  2. between incentives and good financing a new vehicle usually ends up a better deal. At least with new if you have to take s loan for 66-72 months you will be the only owner snd will maintain it properly snd being new will have factory warranty and last longer. So longer financing usually works out ok with a new vehicle compared to used with like 60 months
  3. Never tell a car salesman what you are looking to pay per month. Just stick to negotiate the price of vehicle as low as possible. Then after that negotiate your trade in. For finances you may have Better luck to secure a loan on your own with a credit union for s very low rate. I refinanced my vehicle (was only 3months old at the time ) with a credit union to 1.75% which saved me money When you have negotiated your best possible deal and run the monthly payment numbers either you can swing it in your budget or not. Maybe they make one last ditch effort to sweeten the pot
  4. Alabama hot pockets also contain meat. Google if you dont believe me
  5. I had my wisdom teeth pulled as an adult and was pretty messed up right after the procedure. I would relate it to being really drunk but without the sickness.
  6. While working various over night shifts....after working 6pm to 6am we proceeded to drink a case on numerous occasions. But on a normal schedule ive drank as early as 7am with breakfast
  7. I saw an article today that stag arms is going to be making a " ny compliant" ar-15. They are turning the pistol grip into a stock. When attempting to get clarification from the ny state attorney General to make sure it would not violate safe act's vague language. .the attorney General refused to comment and address the inquiry.
  8. Will this air again?
  9. I like pretty much anything skiing or snowboarding. Love Olympic hockey. Think biathlon is pretty cool too. I really enjoy winter Olympics
  10. You and your family are in my prayers. Never say never...after all we are bills fans right? God bless
  11. As evidenced here....you and most liberals are so misguided on the tea party. What does msnbc say the tea party thinks about gays? Guess what...the tea party does not care at all about what gays do or do not do. It is a non issue. No one cares. The tea party is about making the government accountable to the people.
  12. Who thinks of this ****? Death by feces. .....uggghhhh Is tub girl out there somewhere? ??
  13. The irony of this...is that JW thinks that the tea party is trying to push tyranny on people. .....
  14. The ESTABLISHMENT republican party knows exactly what it wants to be. It wants to be a party of men with vaginas who give in on everything selling out their principles in a vain attempt to woo "moderates". They refuse to defend their ideology against liberal attacks. They care more about maintaining the status quo and building their careers than anything else. They are also afraid of the tea party and what it represents. It is a threat to their existence.
  15. He hasn't figured out that there is no central control to the tea party but its a grass roots movement of like minded citizens angry at the direction of the country and that our representatives care more about their careers than doing the job they were elected to do. We are taxed enough already. We dont need someone to tell us what to do or think we have realized these conclusions von our own.
  16. Racists. Always keeping the white man down. Dooming these intelligent white students to a lifetime of income inequality. Not only will they be disadvantaged on civil service tests but they will have a lesser education. Racist pigs
  17. To me anyone who even mentions Koch brothers reeks of occupy wall street and all that stupid 1% crap
  18. Was this as bad as everyone trying to all leave Houston at the same time with hurricane Rita? I remember hearing that was another traffic disaster of everyone for themselves
  19. That really sounds great
  20. don't forget driving back and forth from said store powered by some of the most highly taxed gasoline around... gas prices here are probably only less than California and Hawaii
  21. Ive been there before...if im not mistaken its not far at all from a couple of hospitals. Yikes...that would be terrifying.
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