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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. Just this past election cycle the town board is now controlled by democrats.... Coincidentally of course. ... And this guy has had his sign up for a long time I drive by it multiple times a week.
  2. Stalin had good intentions. ..umm wealth redistribution and umm income equality. Ya...fair and equitable... he just had those Damm obstructionist in his way. If only they would have just sat in the back seat. /lib thoughts
  3. The 80's called. ...they want their cold war back
  4. Good luck miller and Ott. I appreciated their efforts they always gave everything and cared
  5. This was my understanding as well. I will have to take another look into the actual laws...
  6. This would be best possible scenario for a bills fan
  7. What difference does it make? ?!!??!!
  8. This is an interesting theory that I will keep an eye on
  9. You're racist for saying black pastors are racist. Unfortunately this story will be ignored by the media
  10. they chose to not expand their ny factory abd build a new one in Alabama. They have not left yet but once their new factory is up and running and if ny politics have not changed I would not be surprised if they pack up and consolidate operations in Alabama. No firearms company wants to be in a state With legislation like the NY "safe"act
  11. No he will not make it to the 2nd round. No way
  12. I really want to start home brewing. ..distilling...or making wine. Just not sure yet. It will be a spring summer project
  13. I think thr better way yo phrase this original question. ..."what time of day have you NOT had a beer?" I just 're read what I wrote. To clarify yes im drinking
  14. Yes. Its not government telling others what to do....its the government stepping in to protect unborn children who can not speak up for themselves. Are those unborn children not entitled to freedom and a chance at life? I do not want my tax money spent by the government to fund the killing of our most vulnerable members of society. Where is your compassion. I am consistent in my freedom loving viewpoints. And part if that is speaking up for the babies to be able to live and enjoy the freedom. I dont give a **** what the mom does with her life its not my business. If she does not want the child put it up for adoption.
  15. The only social issue that is important to me is abortion. I am a dad so I have that perspective. Seeing a baby's heart rate in an ultrasound..feeling a baby kick and move in a womb....Seeing a baby being born... its a totally different perspective. To think of a helpless tiny human being being killed so barbaricly. I can never agree with it. I am ALL for government provided sterilization to people who do not want children as a means of birth control or reduce abortions. There are great alternatives like adoption. That is a respectable choice. The way you judge a society is how they care for their most helpless members.
  16. What are the tea party social issues that they take a stand on that you disagree with?
  17. yes and no.. lakes dont have a significant current. Helll if it was cold enough long enough even the Niagara river would freeze
  18. What about slurs against people with brown eyes?
  19. Most of these poor cities like buffalo have been under solid democrat control for long periods if time with strong public and private labor unions.
  20. Wow thats a lot of ice for superior and Huron
  21. Is this guy a bills fan?
  22. At least Obama was honest when he said he wanted to fundamentally transform America.....
  23. Gestapo? Secret police? Thought police? State approved media
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