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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. Just curious because I may have a job opportunity there and even though it is not very far I don't know anything about warren so im looking for some helpful feedback or general input for some information. Maybe a drive down to visit is in order...
  2. Seriously any franchise qb worth it would be worth entire draft(s) or multiple (3-4) first rounders. The problem is if a team has a franchise qb there is no way they give him up. Period. as an example I would give up this entire draft and then the following next two years first round picks. So three total first rounders including an entire draft class for either Aaron Rodgers or Andrew luck. Even offering all that there would be a snowball's chance in hell the trade would be accepted
  3. Well for one we can decide as a strategy to NEVER punt if we are over the 50 yard line.
  4. That is pretty much how I feel on the baseball season.
  5. Bedazzled was an under appreciated movie...for obvious reasons I just answered a call on my rotary phone...it was the 80's calling and they want their cold war back.
  6. I dont specifically know Duluth but was in northern perimeter of Atlanta for a bit. Dunwoody sandy springs Alpharetta. The northern part is nice but was very built up. Not sure if Duluth has the same feel or more like a smaller town
  7. When I initially read $80...worth of Jaeger I thought this guy was a champ and took down a few bottles. Nope. Wrong. 10 shots is all it took to punch out a senior citizen and start a fire? What a !@#$ing kitty
  8. Its too much to follow. Baseball shouldn't start when there is still snow on the ground. Baseball season is at least 6 weeks too long.
  9. You're right im kidding. He'll no im not. Its way too long! The baseball season would be way better if they shortened it
  10. This whole thread makes me hate Indy. They are fortunate enough for an entire decade of kicking ass with Peyton. They suffer through one crappy season and win the lottery for another decade for kick ass with luck. Why? I hate the football gods
  11. The rich 1% and their private jets....oh wait wrong thread
  12. I like baseball but the season is way too long
  13. Why is waffle house a magnet for this stuff?
  14. I would give up 4 first round picks for luck. If we are a good team they would be low first round picks anyway and if you have a good qb and are winning its easy to bring in quality free agents. Since we won't and I value qb so highly I would be satisfied if we draft a qb every year until we find our guy that we can win with. Is it EJ? I dont know yet but I hope it is....
  15. it seems like he has an unhealthy obsession.
  16. Littering and...? Littering and...? You could always post no trespassing signs and dig a spike pit. Or get a guard dog and set uo invisible fence and let him watch your property
  17. Did this seriously happen?
  18. Let me know if you live there I have a few questions thanks!
  19. The one thing ive thought of that I haven't heard mentioned yet...it is a theory I had was that it flew out west over straight of Malacca then went far enough away from Indonesia turned south far enough out to sea avoiding radar then went south east and ultimately approached Indonesia from a low altitude from the southwest with a north east heading and landed somewhere near or on west java. This could have taken about the time it sent signals to satellite for That my conspiracy theory. Its not as exciting to think its at the bottom of the ocean.
  20. What are you thoughts on the missing 777? What do you think happened to it?
  21. I would be 100% fine with Murray in the Third or fourth
  22. Democrats and liberals preach tolerance. ...but only to causes they agree with.
  23. When you are the official state backed government motors company you tend to get preferential treatment...
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