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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. What exactly were we doing in libya anyways??? Weapons to terrorisrs...errr freedom fighters that were ultimately used against us?
  2. I cant fault whaley from trying to improve the team
  3. Last year? No last decade? Nope last millennium? You betcha
  4. Im in for mike Evans. I want a big athletic freak to catch the ball.
  5. Hey everyone miitt Romney has a horse
  6. So....your saying the indian burial ground curse would be lifted???!! Sign me up
  7. The bills are the browns. Why would we mock you? You realize the last time the bills made the playoffs internet was dial up and Clinton was president. Think about that. And you think its tough being a browns fan? Welcome. In fact I really think buffalo and Baltimore should trade divisions.
  8. You cant be real. You have to be like this grossly exaggerated liberal propoganda bot
  9. On second thought we need another bush in office to bring back "its Bush's fault" and have it be relevant
  10. mechanics that I know own houses in the suburbs and do not mooch off the gvt. They willl never get rich but they are able to provide for themselves and families and do ok. Maybe more poor people should strive to be mechanics. ...
  11. Everyone knows it was that shadowy YouTube guy. If only emperor Obama could be allowed to restrict this silly free speech thing then idiots wouldn't be able to make bad YouTube videos that lead to attacks against us. All we have to do is ban free speech.
  12. Please god dont let it end up as Hillary Clinton vs Jeb Bush. Good lord no.
  13. Agree 100% he is showing leadership in a difficult and challenging time
  14. Think of the assets and multiple 1ST round picks it wiuld take to give up for that. B wahaha. I swear if the bills would ever fo anything that dumb they deserve to relocate to LA
  15. Looks pretty awesome
  16. Biblically (what I think you meant) begins at conception. Not birth.
  17. Its all about market size and corporate money, both of which is lacking in buffalo.
  18. Wow. Just wow. Its not a surprise this day has come everyone knew it was a matter of time... but wow.
  19. RIP thank you and Godspeed
  20. Actually that is half of the story.... the other half which was largely being ignored were women who wanted babies but unfortunately had miscarriages and had to have their babies removed that they loved. Those babies were treated just the same manner wit no consideration for the families wishes. It is also a government run health system. Coincidence?
  21. Maybe Obama should tell Putin there is a red line he better not cross All humor aside it is a scary situation
  22. Punting is over rated. Find ways to not punt or punt less.
  23. Ny democrat politicians...corrupt? Special interests? Thats un possible. Just remember the "new" new York is open for business
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