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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. Lax gun regulations? Are you kidding me? Go try and get an erie county pistol permit let me know how that turns out for you. You're a moron
  2. Im 100% good with this. I want our team to have an attitude. Im sick of being a push over
  3. Yikes... nothing good coming out of this story....
  4. like... "extreme conservatives have no place in new york" -ny governor andrew Cuomo
  5. Can we find a way to have extra terrestrial aliens vote too?
  6. RIP to an American hero
  7. domestic terrorists? ?? Wonder what he thinks of bill ayers and the weather underground. ..
  8. im sure he has a chauffeur and limousine to take him where he wants to go
  9. Well we have that in common. ...
  10. A few pages back this was my initial gut instinct and im sticking to it. Both sides had very strong over reactions to something that didnt appear to be warranted. I think its always been about how harry reid can use that land for his own financial gain and since the liberal tactics are to just intimidate citizens and continue their power consolidation. Trouble is...this rancher didnt wsnt to give up his cattle claim on the governments land and resulted in a stand off.
  11. Getting hammered and going into the haunted houses is always fun
  12. Rumors, daily planet, wild mushroom, beer garden, Boston pizza, casino, numerous gentlemens entertainment establishments, haunted houses..eating sloppy poutine in the Clifton hill burger king at 3am...ugghhh. Wow a lot of drunken memories just blurred together. ..
  13. Hahaha unreal. But guys they are public servants who risk their lives to help us. Who cares if public money is mis managed and wasted by unions for their own benefit.
  14. I think there is more to this story that has not been reported yet... there were some pretty strong reactions on both sides so I think there is more going on than at least I am aware of
  15. He disagrees with the part that no one blamed either bush, the tea party or the koch brothers.
  16. If republicans want to come for the ride they can sit in the back seat.
  17. I cant comment in this because I dont know what in the hell is really going on and what all the facts and back story is. Although its nice to see the people stand up to the government. ..im not entirely sure if it is justified or not. Im sure somehow some way the gvt was using some ridiculous claim about tortoises being endangered by the cattle so they were going to kick the cattle off as pre tense to clear the land out to put up tbe solar farm that almost certainly harry Reid is involved with and probably getting his palms greased in some solyndra like fashion with federal monies.
  18. I dont have a favorite band.... but some of my favorite bands in different genres (feel free to flame away) would be like blink182 dude ranch. Red hot chili peppers. Matchbox20. Eminem and dr dre around the time of dre2001. Garth brooks. Ac-Dc. Bush. Beastie boys. Im drunk thats all I can think of.
  19. I would love this idea. I like Oliver a lot. He reminds me ofMJD
  20. Shut up. Its Bush's fault
  21. If liberal icon and hero JFK was a politican today he wiuld be one of those kook right wing conservative extremists.
  22. All I need to know about Obama's view on energy was *im going off a hazy menory, but back maybe in 2008-9 he gave an interview where we said he was pleased with rising gasoline prices but just wished it wasnt occurring so quickly.
  23. Its getting squatchy in here
  24. im all on for Murray. I think if you give him the Aaron Rodgers development plan in 2 years he could be a franchise QB.
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