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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. Look on the bright side, if they are suspended then it means they can't get hurt. So in week 5 we will at least have a few healthy players. Unless of course there is an evil wet mat lurking around somewhere waiting to be slipped on....
  2. George Bush caused Katrina because he hates black people. This flooding is an act of God. Duh
  3. The extent Soros will go to push his agenda is very disturbing, even more outrageous is he gets away with it.
  4. http://awarenessact.com/china-officially-orders-citizens-to-prepare-for-world-war-3/
  5. I didn't see "Cheater" as an option? His "legacy" will forever be tarnished by what ifs and speculation. No one knows how much was him or how much was cheating and or luck.
  6. Who cares if innocent businesses get destroyed, they didn't build that!
  7. We're all doomed. If this is how people think now, it's over. Wtf.
  8. Chronologically when does this happen compared to the other star wars movies
  9. Interesting developments going on
  10. Agreed. My fear is that what is coming next will be worse than 2008. 2008 seems to largely been "fixed" with a pretend band aid of multiple quantitative easings. There never really seems to have been a true correction or recovery and interests rates are already so low or negative. I don't know where the economy goes from here.
  11. I'm curious if this is the top of the iceberg and how many other banks follow suit. I'm not an economist by any means so I can't pretend to understand all the ramifications of this, but it can't be good. Perhaps it's the canary in the coal mine testing the overall health of a global economy and debt load.
  12. 100% agree. Low risk (3rd round picks rarely amount to much) for potentially a very high reward. It was a smart play no matter how it turns out.
  13. What is on fire
  14. At this point I'm hoping Putin saves us from our own stupidity. He's our only hope.
  15. That's because they are. The leaked DNC emails prove what every logical objective person already figure out.
  16. The democrats just had one of their own killed off for exposing their corruption. What type of banana republic are we living in?
  17. Yes she is predictable. We know she is owned by big banks and wall street We know she destroys anything she touches We know she will get us involved in poorly thought out and supported foreign messed We know that she will arm terrorists We know that she will be blackmailed by other countries over her horrendous private server We know she will lie to our faces, We know she has had people killed who have gotten in her way We know she is above the law We know her "charity" is a giant money laundering operation We know that in private she is a racist We know that her health is rapidly declining We know that she silenced woman her husband raped We know that she will divide up groups to continue to cause more chaos and contraversay. Yes she's predictable We know all about her, and yet, people will still vote for her.
  18. Most of the polls were wrong about brexit and every one in the media was stunned. They couldn't believe that their echo chamber had it so wrong.
  19. This is messed up on many levels. Wtf???
  20. That didn't make it seem more credible... But I am still hoping a new round of leaks finished off her career and she gets fitted for a bright orange pant jump suit
  21. Seriously? She's the worst candidate ever and should be in prison, She lies, she's treasenous, she only cares about herself and career, she destroys everything she touches, she has a literal running body count of anyone who gets in her way, she's unfit in every possible way.
  22. https://conservativedailypost.com/breaking-julian-assange-just-delivered-the-next-batch-of-emails-shes-toast/ Anyone know if this is authentic? Not sure how reputable this story is but I'm hoping it's true and there's more to come. Hillary needs to be stopped.
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