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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. I thought he was dead? Lol
  2. If it was wrong then, its still wrong now. Its significantly worse now and unless enough people call bull **** we will continue further down the slope. But hey im sure you think you are the smartest guy in the room.
  3. They should sue the !@#$ out of the police and the city. That poor kid. I feel Terrible for him and the family. I couldnt imagine the feeling of being a law abiding citizen and having the police conduct a raid like that against you and your family and they cause significant injury to a child. Holy crap.
  4. I love 24 its awesome. The best part of the show is they are willing to kill off main characters with ease. I miss tony. He was pretty sweet when he was recovering from a bender. So many characters have been killed off along the way....
  5. No you have it all wrong. You need to vote present a bunch of times abd turn walter reed into a campaign issue and tell the American people you Will improve the VA
  6. I also think as part of this the capacity of the new bills stadium will be greatly reduced from where we are now to the low 60ish thousands. They will sell games out nore easily and be able to change more per ticket.
  7. I saw this. It was a nice feel good story bi genuinely wish him the best!
  8. The whole fear of Toronto thing....
  9. Robert kraft. He gets what he wants My memory is a little hazy..but is it just coincidence that the patriots didn't fare well under the non union "replacement refs" ? Seems like more than an anomaly
  10. Wtf. Seriously what ISN'T racist anymore? Does anything qualify as not being racist? Or am I a micro aggressor to assume such a thing??
  11. The new NY is open for business. ??
  12. Wow. They really love sammy. If they have that much conviction to make such a calculated and bold decision you have to know they have really thought it through and honestly think he is the real deal.
  13. because im still fascinated by the mystery. There was such gross incompetence fromthe Malaysian government that I think we lost valuable time and information at the most critical point. I just read a story today where the satellite data company and the Malaysian gvt wont even agree who has the data. It just seems so bungled on so many levels. I don't even know what is accurate. How do they the plane went south? The pings that were allegedly heard were not even the correct frequency. .. there are just so many un answered questions. To me it reeks of gross negligence or government cover up of some sort. It just doesn't piece together.
  14. Still no solid information on this Its un real.
  15. Fight the good fight jimbo. You have a lot of love and support!
  16. Thats a lot of meat. I want to see them play angry and have their way with a defense
  17. holy crap. ..forgot about that. That seems like 3 lifetimes ago. Frightening.
  18. I would love if Dr Carson ran. Im hoping he does. He would be a great voice to espouse conservative ideas . It would be amazing to see how quickly the "tolerant" left calls him a sell out and goes full racist against him because he does not follow their agenda of relying upon the government.
  19. If someones main source of knowledge and awareness comes from Twitter...we would be better off as a country if they stayed out of politics.
  20. Just about 300 Christian school girls kidnapped in Nigerian by a muslim terrorist organization boko Hasan that our Secretary of state tried to keep off of the known terrorist list. Thats all. But #yolo! Wait thats not it...#blamebush? Or #imhashtaggingbecauseeveryoneelseiseventhoughihavenoidea Twitter is so stupid The funniest post in this thread was the guy taking a selfie saying hashtags wont bring your girls back highly trained operators will. But seriously I hope the girls are rescued and not harmed in any way. This is a terrible situation.
  21. This is a very tragic story. Godspeed and he and his family are in my prayers
  22. "Hmm not as much girth as I was hoping for"
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