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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. Depending on what you are looking for... Adams mark, Hampton inn Delaware, comfort inn chippewa, hyatt, embassy suites Delaware, holiday inn Delaware. Or the mansion on Delaware. If you dont like my suggestions ask tom brady
  2. There is a decent micro brewery near kingston. Think its called mother earth brewey... but yea....
  3. Al Qaida is on the run.....forward! !!!
  4. These are all good suggestions. Get drunk and wander through the haunted houses while you are at it
  5. If pegula bought the bills too he could literally do anything he wants in buffalo and would be a hero. He could stab someone with a trident and it wouldn't matter.
  6. How awesome would it be that the story comes out where they got into an argument and more or less lead to "oh yea well lets both run for election and see who was right".
  7. I am even more concerned than that. I think obama is an egotistical sociopath who at his core needs to be liked I think with how the past few months have gone for him that he and his advisors are starting to realize he is not going to regain his popularity. If he doesn't have that incentive dangling in front of him via his focus groups and public opinion groups, he may well adapt an attitude of I dont care about public opinion im going to go full out gatorman and ram through even more un popular legislation and policy.
  8. Fake battle. That whole civil war thing was so long ago bro. Bwahaha
  9. He served with honor and distinction!!! At this point what difference does it make??!! that would be a great campaign ad. At least we know Obama loves and supports the troops. He brought one home even at an extremely high cost. Im sure Beau can receive excellent care at his local VA facility.
  10. Who is seriously going to cross international bordees 4 times to watch the bills in Niagara falls?
  11. Just a thought. ..if im not mistaken would erie county oppose the relocation to Niagara county? Erie county has negotiated the current lease and stands to lose tax revenue if they move to Niagara county. Would Erie county consider this a relocation and try to block it?
  12. For as mediocre at best and controversial as bush was how is this even a question? Obama is hands down the worst president of my lifetime and its not even close.
  13. Holy crap. A bad week for the administration is somehow amazingly enough going to get worse. So ILLEGAL mmigrants are treated better than our veterans. It goes to show where the administrations priorities are. Or at least which group can be used to further their petsonal benefit and political party.
  14. That is the kinda vibe I have picked up on as well. I think they are building kates character as the new agent. The are aalready weaving in elements of her past and background.
  15. My favorites all for different reasons Saving private Ryan Blackhawk down act of valor full metal jacket Jaws idiocracy old school james bond casino royale Die hard Office space rambo (the newest one) Rocky 4 red dawn (the original)
  16. I like most already mentioned. What do you guys think of starship troopers?
  17. Seriously why cant these guys just not smoke pot for 10 !@#$ing years in their life. Kick ass in the nfl keep out of trouble collect your tens of millions then when you retire at 32 get stoned out of your mind and buy stock in Doritos and call it good.
  18. sigh.. I cant believe I didn't see this coming. I kept wondering what was the deal with her husband and why she kept talking about how she just couldnt believe it. Well she is going to be pissed when she finds out it was a set up. But how bout simone?
  19. You seriously think Obama is going to order a court martial against the guy he just gave up 5 of the worst most hardcore Taliban for? Seriously? This is nothing more than Obama administration being ever increasingly incompetent. This stinks to high hell of nothing more than a terribly planned poorly thought out diversion away from the VA, IRS and benghazi. But opps...he made an even bigger mess. I guess this is what we get for electing a feel good story who was capable enough to vote "present" to the office of president of the United States of America.
  20. . It means a hell of a lot. If he is a deserter he deserves to be punished under the UCMJ. great we got an American released. a military deserter is not worth 5 high ranking Taliban.
  21. Would be pretty sweet if jack goes old school and interrogates him Im just patiently awaiting the inevitable plot twists that are yet to come
  22. Hahaha Seriously? Why would that not seem like a terrible idea??
  23. like....giving weapons to Libyan/Syrian freedom fighters...err terrorists that were amazingly enough used against us to kill 4 brave Americans?? That kind of funny? If this is not a fake account its extremely disturbing. So we traded 5 senior Taliban leaders for a deserter. Great. Honestly if its true this guy was a deserter they should throw the UCMJ at him. It will never happen but it damn well should. I feel like we just traded up for sammy Watkins and come to find out sammy wants to play for a different team.....not good.
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