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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. Is it time for everyone to panic yet?
  2. Inside draw run by CJ spiller 4yd gain. They try to capitalize on Chicago being overly aggressive on the first defensive play of the season
  3. Seahawk fans are bandwagon for sure. And this whole 12th man thing they are trying to claim as their own is !@#$ing lame. We have been the 12th man a hell of a lot longer including a millennium of suckitude
  4. Meh...I would just crash an a320 or two into a nuclear power plant/s somewhere in southern Europe near the Med coast to limit the amount of time in that counties airspace reducing the chance of an intercept. That would cause chaos in europe. Or change out the transmitter in the a330, fly to somewhere in the UAE and then follow the well established and busy air route from DXB to LHR and there ya go...
  5. So he does have a strategy! The terrorists must have watched Act of Valor
  6. Just sell their fleets of lear jets, put the money in escrow and use that to give raises. Hoorayyyyyyy! If everyone just got paid their fair share. And evil mitt romney has a horse
  7. Actually many times I think the smartest football opinions. ...are from the numbers geeks who analyze and think outside the box and dont just use the traditional football mentality of this is the way it should be. Like numbers geeks saying its dumb to punt on 4th and 2. I like the logic behind that and they explain it in a way that makes sense. If I want a perspective into locker room dynamics or shower habits than a player's perspective would be helpful.
  8. That entire scenario seems plausible and a way for Putin to stick it to us. He could either go it alone and increase his sphere of influence. Or Russia could in theory lead with Obama hopping on the train at the caboose. Which would be embarrassing and undermine our Ukraine objections. I really dont see a "lose" scenario for Russia in that.
  9. Because obviously this ridiculous scenario could never happen. ..much less in a European country in the 21st century. Im sure we would have heard about it on cnn by now.
  10. holy crap. .. I just saw this They appear to be some a320 a330 and others.... Wow. Not good....
  11. SDS had fantastic advice. Another way to weave more into it would be to look at your offer and expectations comprehensively. Say you want to learn more about the area the job is located, what the cost of living is like and how it compares to what you are used to, what about relocation services, benefits, vacation etc... Get the best deal you can. If they are locked into offering you a specific salary range for the position maybe they can sweeten the pot elsewhere, an extra week vacation, company car, etc...
  12. I think he is one of the few bright beacons of fan love during the most recent millennium of epic suckage. He is one of the first bills of my generation that come to mind as being deserving of spot of the wall of fame. Fred also gets it. Hes a genuinely good guy and cares. He wants to win. I still get pumped up thinking of him running on the field with the bills flag after we beat the hated pats*. Yup we haven't had much to get excited over in recent decades....
  13. pimpin ain't easy
  14. Lets be real....the average "celebrity" is about as dumb as a box of rocks. They are so disconnected they have no idea about anything other than what their assistants tell them.
  15. I dont even like his voice. He is obnoxious. I really hate his dumb stories.
  16. As bad as our typical cbs crew is this fox one will be worse. I started to realize I prefer cbs coverage. Hell at least they will know our roster. Here is to the goose screwing half of it up and telling stupid stories.
  17. The liberals and "pro"gressives have literally forged political careers by creating a permanent underclass. By giving out so much in social programs and making people dependent upon the government you control them. You can never take away the social programs because you will be branded all sorts of terrible unfair names. As long as the social programs stay in place the democrats will always be voted back in. All they have done is to tske advantage of and create a permanent underclass of poor and minorities to ensure their worthless political careers will never be in jeopardy. Its sad
  18. He will watch all about in on cnn after getting back from the 19th hole. Allegedly. ..I forgot where I read this. .. but obama had veey detailed intel assessments about ISIS going back well over a year that turned out to be almost spot on. But remember everyone. ..there was that shadowy character with that obscure YouTube video that he obsessed over more and devoted more energy to than beheadings of amerian citizens.
  19. There are enough tools like al Sharpton and jesse Jackson who have created an entire race baiting industry to justify their existence. Its easy to blame everyone else But it is unfortunate that under the watch of our black president our black and minority Americans are poorer today than when he took office...
  20. Ya know what this thread reminds me of in an ironic way? That right now its actually super fun to be a sabres fan and its ok to openly root for your beloved team to be as bad as possible next year knowing that the team is on a clear path to what hopefully turns out to be a decade of success.
  21. Seriously though. ..she doesn't understand why I get so angry over bills games. She says...you know they are going to disappoint you, probably be bad and usually lose, find improbable heart breaking ways to lose and you still get upset after it happens. My reply is....its not that simple. Usually im the more logical of us. Sigh....
  22. Everyone reaches their breaking point sooner or later. Cant fault anyone from getting burned out after decades of ineptitude and failure. Who knows if there is another 5 years of this crap I may be there. At some point in my adult life I would like to be a fan of a team playing meaningful games in December.Think of that. There is an entire generation of lost bills fans who have never witnessed success. Well im still here and much to my wifes disappointment im still emotional invested in rhe bills
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