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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. How is this even debatable? Yes. It matters. It is what has founded and guided this country to be the greatest in history. The constitution isnt meant to be twisted into whatever party is in power wants it to be to push their own agenda.
  2. What in the hell? Never ever ever under estimate the lengths this regime will go to further their narrative. In their mind their end goals justify the means. Absolutely terrfying implications of what this regime is willing to do.
  3. See heres the problem. .. I dont think they are amateurs. I think they are calculating and deliberate anti Semite statists. They are professional asshats who dont care about what is good for America and only want to follow their leftist marching orders.
  4. @hprynne Oh my. If that mentality is representative of any sizeable percentage of this country we are doomed.
  5. I would hate to be a compromised undercover CIA agent left to fend for yourself by this government.
  6. With exception to people who are mentally unstable or incapable to comprehend their own actions then yes gun laws should be illegal. If you are mentally sound you should be able to own a gun. Period. SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. I go back and forth on whether convicted felons should be able to own guns. Part of me thinks if they have served their debt to society they deserve to have their rights given back.
  7. Will this be declared what it is, a hate crime against Christians? Or does that only get used when it can push an agenda?
  8. Care to explain Switzerlands gun ownership rates and comparatively low crime rates?
  9. Thats actually a cool story for once
  10. I would qualify that by saying the type of person to engage in a drive by shooting in the first place probably doesn't have the best moral compass or judgment in the first place .... but point taken.
  11. Everyone knows there is a problem. Its how to solve it that people differ their opinions. How are those very strict gun regulations working out for chicago? Weird that just making more laws didnt stop criminals from being criminals dont you think?
  12. Very tragic. Terrible story. Senseless gang related violence is so !@#$ing stupid. This little girl is probably dead because some doucebag gangbanger thought another doucebag gang banger disrespected him so he was a loser coward and tried a drive by shooting and unfortunately a totally innocent uninvolved baby is the victim. RIP little baby girl
  13. To further that point.... I know of someone will not seek treatment for depression for fear of ending up in a database and having his guns confiscated. Think of how deep the root cause to that problem goes.
  14. I dont have a link (posting from my phone) but apparently Russia has been air striking the US backed Syrian rebels not Isis. The US is debating how to respond and is dispatching a 6 ship flight of F22s to CENTCOM to counter the Russian buildup.
  15. I live in southtowns so obviously that influences my choices. . Since bozanos closed i like ninos/blasdell/edies. If im around transit I also like santoras or as an alternative buffalos best.
  16. How long till obama uses this tragedy for political gain to push his anti gun agenda? Cuomo are you there? The victims and their families are in my prayers. RIP Holy **** this is the first I had seen it reported that he specifically targeted Christians. Well that all but assures the left and obama will remain silent on this issue. Can you imagine if he was targeting muslims? Blacks? Gays? Ugh the media and obama would lose their minds. A tragedy is a tragedy. Period. The lens it is covered through varies depending on who's agenda stands to benefit. Disgusting. This is a very sad story.
  17. Thats messed up if accurate. Yikes. Wtf
  18. Promote him to assistant head coach / OC and show up at his house with a brinks truck?
  19. Not good. I have him as my fantasy qb. This would explain some things though. Suddenly the jets win is less impressive.
  20. Every time I hear hump day I think of a camel
  21. Well....Obama was honest with us. Its just that most people weren't listening. Obama is fundamentally transforming America just not the way most people want it changed to be. I think differently than most. I dont think obama is incompetent and creating this short sighted hap hazard policies by mistake. I think it is a delibrate controlled strategy to weaken this country and punish us for being the most successful country in the history of the world. He despisee American exceptionalism and everything it stands for.
  22. Stay classy gatorman. Not sure what is worse, a tax payer funded organization paying activists to protest and throw condoms at a critical political candidate or you wanting a lady you disagree with to potentially be attacked by biohazards. Wow what the hell is going on.
  23. Putin is exactly who all logical and rational American's thought he was. No shocker here. The Shame is the media mocking Romney even though he was right just to keep propping up their ideologue mouthpiece
  24. All jokes aside...This is a sincere question. Are you a father?
  25. I wish the sabres game was on tv right now
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