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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. Thats interesting. Im surprised they dont expand and regionalize more. Are they franchise locations or corporate owned?
  2. "Worlds first hand free selfie stick"
  3. They should pitch it on shark tank.
  4. Dear native Americans, turn in your weapons and we will take care of you. Signed, US government. Not exactly the same scenario but similar point.
  5. Ugh. Here we go again I wouldn't vote for him because hes a moron. But whatever.
  6. I dont know if I buy the desensitization part. Look back through history there were times when it was common for many people to regularly hunt and shoot as part of tbeir culture. Years ago when my dad was in school he told me stories that no one would have looked twice if you had your shotgun in your pickup truck parked in thr school parking lot while you were in class. Its a different culture today. Men used to be expected to conduct themselves as gentlemen. Now they are being feminized, portrayed as bumbling idiots and blamed for everything wrong in the country. Thuglife gang culture and self proclaimed victim angry social recluses have become more common. I blame a lot of the victim mentality for people feeling sorry for themselves and blaming others for their short comings and refusng to accept personal responsibility. But the government continues to make it easier and socially acceptable to just expect handouts and blame others when things go wrong. Totally another topic but I am far from being a perfect christian but I believe there is a strong connection that as people turn away from church and church membership falls and the country is more secular extreme acts of violence increase just out of lack of morals and fear of god.
  7. The standard of what is considered Reasonable has been twisted to push agendas.Reasonable is decided upon by who controls the media and what the media wants to twist. Case in point is obama loves to use verbiage like "common sense legislation. .." to frame his radical views implying that it is Reasonable and if you disagree you are extreme. The media allows him to get away with it by and large. Secondly yes D and R alike are both corrupt. That is why so many "republican" voters are angry. They vote for candidates who claim to be conservative but once in office they ignore what got them elected and are beholden to their lobbyist donors.
  8. The question to ask is who benefits from deliberately manipulating the narrative? Continue the divide and conquer mentality. push anti gun agenda push the race baiters Etc Objective journalism is long dead in this country
  9. How awesome would it be if obj broke his hand in multiple places punching preston Brown facemask. That would be justice.
  10. You can have the best helmet in tbe world but even in a violent shoulder to shoulder impact your brain is still going to bounce off the inside of your skull.
  11. The customer is an idiot and in the wrong. Without getting too specific you can legally only fire your gun at someone if you or someone elses life is in immediate danger. You cant shoot at someone fleeing over stolen property. That guy is a jackass and will be in jail with the original criminals.
  12. This is where I am at. I just want 1 decent kicker who can do kick offs and FGs. Is that too much to ask?
  13. Here comes the regulation. Hope draft kings and fan duel enjoyed their moment in the sun
  14. It is interesting why they are there and why no one would claim responsibility for them? Seems prettt routine
  15. The united states doesnt target civilians. It was either bad intel, human error, negligence etc... As tragic as it is I haven't heard any solid details on it so I am with holding judgment until more information is available. It wasnt deliberate so get off your high horse.
  16. This is an easy to implement responsible way to cover tragic events. Unfortunately since out media is no longer objective journalists but increasingly beoming the 4th branch of gvt this will probably necer happen. They have an agenda to push. Forward!
  17. Yea slightly out of context. Doesn't quite fit this story.
  18. Listen. We can trust Robert. He wants to protect the integrity of the league and defend the shield hes legit a stand up guy. No way he would be associated with any shady dealings. Besides he wears blue shirts with white collars. /extreme sarcasm
  19. He probably doesn't realize that truckers already have high rates of union membership
  20. At least im still alive in my survivor league? Thx idiot on Cleveland who jumped offsides on last second missed fg.
  21. No one said its OK. Stop playing your little games. in fact the Israeli leadership has condemned it and they are trying to show leadership and civility in a bad situation. When was the last time a Muslim government condemned an attack against Christians or jews?
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