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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. pitts and green bay come to mind. Green bay has some type of heating system to keep their field from freezing. I would love what green bay has.
  2. So I shouldn't drop thomas rawls just yet?
  3. Thanks gor clearing that up. I saw the OP as well and waa concerned/confused as to what was actually going on.
  4. I am thrilled we have eichel. I honestly am starting to think he can and will be better than mcdavid. He has a determination that wont be stopped and has unlimited talent. We might honestly be watching the greatest American player ever.
  5. I feel like im high after watchinh that. Interesting coincidences though but man....
  6. Doomed? Seriously. .....I was expecting out defense to be our bread and butter...but it has basically turned into milk toast. Our offense is about what most people thought it would be. Where are out difference makers? What is wrong with our scheme?
  7. I dont know enough of the intricacies of football to be a defensive coordinator. But what I do know is whatever they are doing is not working. They need to adjust and make immediate corrections. This same group of players have proven in back to back season s to be the best Dline in team history. WTF happened!!?? This line is a shell of its former self and our overall defense is suffering. We are not making enough game changing plays. Highly disappointed.
  8. Ive had one too many southern tier double IPAs.
  9. Defense is not making enough key plays to make a difference lack of sacks pressures and turnovers. Offense cant possess the ball long enough or score enough. We have too many injuries and we consistently shoot ourselves in the foot on dumb penalties (im ignoring the ticky tack crap that seems to always go against us).
  10. Welcome to the forum thanks for blessignng us with your brilliant insight.
  11. I would 100% take my chances with ej over cassel
  12. Come on chef lets not let logic ruin a perfectly good left wing paranoid fallacy, it makes it harder to push their deceitful agenda to the public
  13. Seems likely. She is such a hypocritical pandering asshat. How is she allowed to get away with constantly speaking out of both sides of her mouth and flip flipping. Ugh for un explainable reasons the media loves running cover for her and protecting her. Its disgusting.
  14. Dont mess with a ninja duh. And from that angle he looked pretty close to the pitching machine he probably didnt have a lot of time or space to see it coming.
  15. I drove by the stadium yesterday at 515am on my way to sons 6am hockey practice. The RVs were all lined up down abbott and around corner waiting for the parking lot to open. They will be pumped and ready to go im sure. Lets go buff-a-lo!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Well sammy may get his 10 balls afterall...... For just once it would be nice to have a totally healthy team. Ugh
  17. This is why this season will be so awesome. I cant wait to watch all this young exciting talent grow together. They will be an exciting fun team.
  18. Saw that coming... hes a jerk too. Maybe he can stay in a really nice Indianapolis hotel too.
  19. Disagree. I wish the pats* DID feel that way it may have saved us a decade vof misery. Bledsoe may not have been as quick to pickup the cheating.
  20. Congrats Sam, hopefully the first of many
  21. The same day she stops getting free rides in c40's. Oh wait aren't we supposed to be angry at the 1% and their private jets? No thats different were mad at people who pay for the jets themselves. ..the ones who get taxpayers to foot the bill for free flights are heros of the middle class and champions of womens equality. Ughhhhh
  22. No harm in a little fantasy . No worries Yes it would be great. But then again I root for EVERY QB who faces brady to beat him. So obviously my view is slightly biased.
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