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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. As far as I am concerned this **** is as evil as Dr.Mengle. sick ****. How the !@#$ are people ok with this?
  2. A society can be judged by how the most vulnerable members are treated.
  3. Actually that is a pretty logical point to make
  4. Can he catch the ball not standing out of bounds?
  5. I agree that is why I'm curious. I also think Craig is awesome as bond. I love how gritty and badass he is compared to earlier bonds. Or I guess that comment is mostly directed towards how ridiculous some of brosmans roles became. I think connerary is the only bond better than Craig.
  6. I am so excited to have a new bond and star wars coming out. Huge fans of both. I can see working in an angle for casino royale and quantum of solace but any continuation from skyfall? No spoilers please!
  7. I secretly hope Russia cuts our internet. Then barrack would finally be able to stop the Chinese from hacking us and stealing all of our information
  8. Have we fired everyone yet? F5
  9. It's very disappointing, everyone had such high hopes and thought a dominant D would be a sure thing, but it's turned out to be the exact opposite. They have been a massively underwhelming disappointment.
  10. 0.0% chance anyone in Indy would do that. If that's is all it would take I would do it in a second.
  11. Interesting that this story got leaked.
  12. I just don't know how so much on so many levels have gone so terribly wrong for this team.
  13. I am just going to drink. Although I am actually looking forward to the bye week because I know I won't get disappointed. On that note, I have thought about trying some creek and steelhead fishing. Any advice? Never been. So you need fly rod or will regular spinning rod work?
  14. No way. Tyrod is a nice story but Stafford is far and away a better an. Especially at this point and the bills are built to win now.
  15. Ugh. Not good. Any update on kane?
  16. Someone needs to be held accountable. Its the bye week let's do it and move on
  17. No link...but Putin is potentially going to sever the Atlantic undersea communication cables. Interesring
  18. Agree 100% your brain and health is nothing to mess with. It's not like a sprained ankle or something. I would be much more leary of bad concussions than sprains, years or fractures. I think concussions have a high chance compared to other injuries to ruin careers. Hopefully because they appear to be handling this cautiously he will heal correctly and will not be prone to more concussions. Any medical folks want to chime in and explain of there is a link in concussion frequency and/or proper healing?
  19. Wrong again. Evil republicans fault for not spending enough on public works projects and infrastructure improvements. The road was unsafe to drive because of republicans everyone knows that. Lets get rid of public roads all together and rely only on trains for the unwashed masses. Brilliant! There wouldn't be any traffic left for limousine liberals to be chauffered from fundraiser to fundraiser.
  20. This should be exciting. He has been an interesting prospect now we can see what he's all about.
  21. Are you serious? Right let's take away the ability for Law abiding citizens to defend themselves and their families from scumbag !@#$ criminals intent on causing harm.
  22. Where is everyone's favorite wussy golden protocol droid? His absence was the only major character I haven't seen, I'm assuming the robotic hand was luke. But either way I'm super pumped it looks awesome. I don't want the trailers to ruin it. I agree sometimes it's better to just see it from a blank slate with no preconceived ideas. I have a bad feeling a beloved character Will be killed off for a new character to take their/it's place.
  23. I haven't heard of this yet and usually I am interested in weather. Yikes that is seriously no joke. It will be catastrophic to anyone in Its path. Hopefully people can evacuate
  24. Holy crap unreal. What is wrong with people
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