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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. The tank is strong with Toronto. They will be strong competition.
  2. All pure speculation on my part.... But Potential explosive decompression? Bulkhead failure? Some type of ignition source hitting the fuel supply? It was just a narrow body but could have been carrying small amounts of cargo. What was the cargo? Any hazmat onboard? Obviously a planted bomb or missile needs to be checked out More information will come out. Just depends how competant the Russians are and how much you believe them.
  3. Yes we can!
  4. Hah. Not sure?
  5. Unfortunately for my kids and someday potential grandkids they are screwed because as a country more people care about funny cat videos that to actually make an intelligent independent decision for themselves on where this country is headed. You will never win a popularity contest against Santa claus
  6. It truly saddens me but your analysis is spot on. What she did has proven she has no integrity and cannot be trusted at the very best. At worst she should be in prison. The truly sad part is she will probably win the election. She is not trust worthy has never actually accomplished anything and just panders. But because she is the heir in waiting for the team that controls what idiots hear and think it's just inevitable. Seriously think about it. We elected a president already who thinks there are 57 states do you honestly think the average American pays close enough attention to politics? They just listen to whatever the official state media arm tells them to believe. It sucks and its ridiculous but I'm already mentally preparing myself for the inevitable. Americans will get the government we deserve.
  7. The arena looks like it's super awkward on tv. What the he'll were the engineers thinking
  8. Should be interesting to see how this plays out with Russian intentions in Syria. For what it's worth ISIS needs a good curb stomping.
  9. As much as I love Tom Murray I don't want him touching the bills.
  10. Lol must have read the synopsis from cnbc's point of view/skew
  11. I would say it's more likely that some of the arms the CIA annex in benghazi was running (directed by Obama and clinton) would have made their way to ISIS. Lets hope for eveyones sake our government wasn't dumb enough to have manpads and stingers fall off the back of a truck. Hopefully they are more cautious than that. Giving a few crates of Kalishnikovs or surplus m16a2 and mortars to questionable groups is a bad idea, giving them anti air capability is insane...unless of course you wanted airliners to be shot down either home or abroad.
  12. He is very young and raw but he definitely has the potential to. Again we won't know for quite some time. Right now where he is in his development curve and his age he is progressing more quickly than most goalie prospects so that is encouraging. He has been playing in the sweedish men's professional league compared to his peers playing in Canadian juniors or the NCAA. That may give him an early advantage.
  13. That's true the carey price top goalie pick is the exception not norm. Its common to snag a guy in 54th found let him develop for 3 to 5 year's and he's a starter
  14. That's the difference. Russia doesn't draw a pretend red line in the sand or super triple double dog dare you. If you mess with them they do not care about the collateral damage they will get you.
  15. The beslan school massacre?
  16. He'll yea. Don't play into their bull **** game. Its about time they realized they need to grow a set. I would take it a step further once the primary is over and its R vs D they need to insist on a conservative moderator on the panel
  17. Wtf? Is this real. Anyone have pic?
  18. In my opinion trump stayed where he was. No real movement. I think the big winner was Cruz.
  19. It was completely ridiculous. Extremely biased and hostile moderators endlessly trying to get the candidates to walk into a "gotcha question" trap or generate open hostility towards one another. The most refreshing part was as the debate went along the candidates increasingly started giving it back to the moderators. It was basically in per with letting rush Limbaugh moderate a democrat debate.
  20. Cheap shot question on Rubio. Would love to see liberals questioned by moderators with the same level of vigor Some of these moderator questions are ridiculous. Hack jobs At least trump just called out the stupid questions
  21. God I would love his legacy* to be even more tainted than it already is. Please let there be proof (that the commissioner doesn't hastily destroy) that proves he is juicing.
  22. Looking past the horrendous lack of grammar what he said was stupid. I can understand he's frusterated but he handled it in the worst possible way. Instead of just telling people he's trying to get Healthy, wants to win, doesnt like sitting out either and get off his back, he has to take shots at the very people who allow him to get paid millions of dollars to run and catch a football. By degrading the fans and their careers it comes off as classless and out of touch. It just stinks of being another arrogant athlete who feels entitled. I lost A LOT of respect for Sammy.
  23. At least he has real experience as opposed to say.....voting present. I would trust a successful private citizen any day over a career politician.
  24. This year's first and next year's 2. I know it wouldn't be enough but that's all I would give up. If not I want to draft a qb with our first this year
  25. The progressive idiot media can't stand the thought of a well spoken thoughtful black man who rose from poverty and had a successful private sector career who has conservative views. They will launch vile attacks at him to discredit him. But if his beliefs were liberal you couldn't dare say anything negative about him or you would be chastised as an evil racist. Interesting enough the racism card has a one way street.
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