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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. Mohammad is the most common name in the world. It's obvious it's only a coincidence. You must be a racist. Its out fault for pushing him over the edge with our micro aggressions. Nothing to see here move along. /liberal progressive mainstreammedia coverage. Lets see...it's not white on black crime, no guns were used. The media can't use this to their agenda pushing advantage so you won't hear about it.
  2. Yes we can! Hope and change! We are the 99%. Let's go **** on cop cars. And ummm yea everyone needs to pay their fair share, and ummm mitt Romney had a horse. It's someone else's fault!
  3. Did jenny for of aids? I can't remember
  4. Sad but true. Ol' number 8 was popular
  5. I see Cruz as the dark horse slowly gaining momentum. The more I hear from him the more I like him.
  6. I definitely want to see it and from what I was reading our window to see it is closing for about a decade.
  7. I think a little of both but B was the answer I felt most accurate
  8. Putin will crush them. **** just got real for russia
  9. Extreme islamic values and sharia Law are incompatible with a civilized society and the constitution. This actually is a war on women. Too bad the libtards ignore it. I'm surprised some knuclehead progressive hasn't told us we need to be tolerant of this because it is their beliefs and we need to coexist.
  10. They will still win.
  11. Edit- disregard my original post. In drunk and misunderstood what was being asked.
  12. The same one that would give T.O. a key to the city
  13. Nothing here in hamburg
  14. Since I have luck on my fantasy team and its been a huge disappointment in all for throwing a scapegoat into the volcano
  15. So basically what that article said was an AVERAGE fan is barely legal to drive. Lol wow so that's basically like saying 2 out of every 5 fans are too drunk to drive. Not too shabby. I actually would have guessed it to be higher
  16. This pretty much nails it. I'm actually very sympathetic and tolerant of the trans people but unfortunately the new rounds of legislation have opened up more than they bargained for with unintended consequences.
  17. Where does Tommy ho compare??!!??
  18. Since I own stock in cheniere who already operate a LNG terminal, sure go ahead and protest the competition! Lol
  19. Where are you looking to move to?
  20. My order of preference for republican nomination at this point is as follows; 1- Cruz 2- Carson 3- trump 4- fiorina So I selected Carson in your poll
  21. The clinton foudation loves taking money from groups who oppress women. But it's those evil republicans who have a war against women.
  22. They are just trying to be just bad enough to qualify for a long shot lottery pick. They will win Matthew's too.
  23. Something about being too big to fail.... I think I've heard that somewhere before.
  24. Didn't AF447 Crash because the pitot tubes froze over and the co pilot lost situational awareness and put the plane in a low airspeed stall? And what happened to that Malaysian a320 that crashed over summer? Wasn't that similar? I can't remember
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