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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. Take it for what it's worth but what do you guys think of some of the random internet speculation and rumors that Tim Murray is interested in trying to get stamkos?
  2. Korean airlines flt007 was our airliner? Funny thing it has a Korean flag on it. At least you admit communism doesn't work. Now if only you would take you own advice.
  3. What does that say about Obama? If Reagan allegedly was able to own the Russians while "brain dead", why are the Russians then able to bend "intellect" Obama over the table and ravage him at will with allegdly his "full brain power" in tact? Oh yea mitt Romney has a horse, and the 1980's called and want their foreign policy back. You are such a blind partisan hack. How much do you get paid to post your mindless crap? There is no way you are so obtuse that these are your own free minded thoughts that you spam is with.
  4. If the 80% Obama missed, of the 20% he was physically present what % of those did he vote yes/no on an issue (and not just pussing out by voting present)
  5. that people are mad at career politicians who don't give a **** about their constituents only furthering their careers and screwing the country in the process. That is a huge draw to the popularity of trump and Carson. They are not career politicians, they have accomplishments in the private sector and they genuinely seem to want to try and fix things that career politicians have royally cluster!@#$ed. Bwawahaha. Awesome. A good clinton lie always cheers me up
  6. Me too.. Every play. Actually any time a bills player moves I half heartedly expect to see yellow
  7. This is ridiculous. What was Obama doing when he was 17? No one knows because the media refused to look and all his records are sealed! Why are they investigating Carson with such malice when they gave Obama a pass on everything! It shows the disparity how the media treats candidates depending on their party. In fact I think the media is racist. They let Obama get away with it because he is half white. Since Carson would be the first black president they can't have it. He is being held to a different standard because of his conservative beliefs.
  8. You're probably right. A different way to ask the question is it a matter of demographic? Generally speaking are most people wandering the strand in socal more politically clueless than random people at target in Iowa? Would the results be similar or more informed?
  9. Why do you have to bring guns into this thread. Are you trying to banish this to ppp? Let's stay focused on the woman beater.(and they are not clips, but magazines) and being over the top is opinion.
  10. I just watched that dice sharia law video. Dear God I'm terrified there are so many ignorant morons out there who hopefully aren't voting.
  11. I didn't really follow this story earlier but any "man" who treats a woman like that is a wothless piece of pathetic ****.
  12. Just get it in. Great success
  13. Maybe they do have aids and in forest gump 2 they are first people to be cured in the world. Seems fitting for how his life was going
  14. 5000 yd passers don't grow on trees. He is a better Cutler.
  15. Cool info Hopefully fans cheer miller
  16. The more negative the media is becoming about Ben Carson the more threatened they feel from him and I am liking him more. If the media is turning on him with such zest he must be doing something right to get their progressive panties in a bunch.
  17. Huckabee is a likeable guy but he and many other need to get the he'll out of the way. The only candidates that should be on the main stage IMO are Carson,trump,cruz,fiorina,rubio and I guess Bush for comedic value. I like Paul but he has 0% chance to win nomination. It's time to start weeding candidates out and getting to more substance.
  18. It's so cute how the progressives are desperately trying to discredit all the conservatives to protect their precious criminal heir in waiting and their whackjob fringe socialist. Times are getting desperate for them.
  19. Obama thinks there are 57 states.
  20. Because citizens of other countries think Obama is OK means nothing to me. I'm fact when citizens of countries who are losing their national and cultural identity and drifting towards socialism think Obama is OK that is a huge red flag to me that really illustrates what is wrong. I don't want to be like Europe. Europe is its own deal they can do what works for them. This is America and we are exceptional and I want to be great. Europe should be more like us, not us like them.
  21. Too bad for America that Obama and Clinton's past wasn't investigated with the same vigor as they will try to discredit every conservative candidate.
  22. That's an interesting take. I don't agree or disagree yet. I want to think that over for a little. Depending how this incident evolves and the direction it takes I can see it having a major impact on muliple middle east parties depending on response and escalation. Of it is ISIS it would perhaps signal the beginning of new high profile terrorist attacks against civilians outside their directly controlled territory.
  23. Interesting...I will check back. In enjoying the recent news regarding mars. Its about time.
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