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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. I love him too. But super worried for his long term career outlook and his health. He has been awesome to watch. He honestly reminds me of a lesser known poor men's Adrian Peterson. To me he has a similar running style.
  2. This is great news. More scoring is more fun. Good for the sport maybe even attract new fans. Now if only they would actually call the penalties that they already have.....
  3. Omg hilarious. Actually jax regular uniforms suck these might be an improvement!
  4. If Europe wants to commit cultural suicide all the power to them. Once the refugees decide they don't feel like assimilating and set up Berlinistan and Frankfortistan they will slowly conquer Europe through demands and the overly PC European governments will all appease them. Then they will complete their conquest from their wombs of their women. In 1 generations time Europe will be changed permanently. If we watch it happen to them and allow it to happen here we are stupid.
  5. I hate to say it but it's just a matter of time. These idiots keep pulling the country farther and farther to the left at some point there will be a reaction.
  6. This x100. Same with me
  7. Stop your micro aggressions.
  8. Hope and change! Should at least give future James bond plots Russian chicks for him to seduce
  9. I feel our future ending up like the movie idiocracy is becoming more likely by the day.
  10. Thanks for clarifying
  11. If only they didn't wuss out on their Mohammad episode..... But none the less I enjoy south park.
  12. Because it is impossible to have any semblance of rational coherent defense for their actions and what is going on. Its just completely ridiculous and showcases EVERYTHING that is wrong with the progressive agenda.
  13. This one event is an indicator at how ridiculous our overly progressive PC culture has evolved into bands of unmitigated morons growing up in an enviornment of artificial outrage by people who aspire to be victims. If this is the future of America we are all !@#$ed.
  14. Why did the other 2 on off the wall get deleted? At least move them to ppp. They stayed relatively civil. Very odd
  15. Who cares about looks and hair when we are spiraling into out of control debt, have foreign policy disasters one after the other, more racial tension than ever and over 11 million illegal invaders in this country. Yes let's worry what candidates look like. If people were genuinely concerned with that the democrats would have a different front runner.
  16. Thanks and you as well! Thank you to all fellow veterans for everything you have done or were willing to do to protect our country.
  17. Get kasich off the stage already. Take Bush with him. Fiorina having a strong night. I like a lot of what Paul says but he's too weak on the military and national defense with his isolationist stance. Trump and Carson are probably still at the top they haven't really changed their position one way or the other. Cruz having a solid night.
  18. Just think...we are doing it without Kane, bogosian and a #1 goalie. No idea who the goalie will end up being. And I think there were many other games we could have won but had some bad luck. Very bright future for this team.
  19. Seriously? You just called a self made billionaire entrepreneur not particularly bright. Get a clue.
  20. They are actually debating. They have different ideas. Unlike the democrat debate where all I heard was to give everything to everyone and if you dont like it your either a racist, hate poor people or hate women. Kasich sucks. He needs to get off the stage. Just get him out of there. He's just taking up time and space.
  21. There is actually substance In This debate. Holy crap responsible moderators! Cruz just had a good answer for immigration
  22. Carly is off to a good start. Bush looks like a bumbling nerd Carson had a good first answer too for minimum wage. Casich needs to go away. Get off the stage. I like Paul too but I don't think he has a chance Rubio = meh Trump hasn't done much yet. Just a pretty standard minimum wage question
  23. This. This is a ridiculous made up controversy over nothing.
  24. Eichel is showing flashes of greatness. Pure talent. Opponents haven't respected a sabres player with puck possession how they do with eichel since Tim Connolly in 2006 when he was playing out of his mind (before concussions).
  25. Just the yzermsn is nervous because stamkos won't sign an extension. Rumors are Calgary and buffalo most interested. Just has a similar vibe to it as Ryan is O'Reilly and evander kane
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