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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. Mission accomplished? Ooppps.
  2. Well Obama used the information his Intel gave him and deduced that ISIS the JV squad. So take that for what it's worth. And Cuba is in Syria so I guess anything is possible at this point.
  3. I am sorry for the pain your country is suffering right now. Know the civilized world stands with you. God bless
  4. I agree with you. Civilized people don't behave like this. It's either us or them. They aren't giving up until we're dead or they are
  5. I read 100+ hostages at concert hall. Hopefully GIGN can lol the scumbag islamist terrorists before any more innocents die. My guy tells me there will be shocking public spectacle killings.
  6. Well played
  7. He is far from being charismatic but, he was right on most everything he said. Unfortunately that doesn't make for appealing sound bites, and well, he has a horse.
  8. It's about time. Burn in hell. The only thing that could make it better was if the hellfire had a thorough coating of bacon grease on it.
  9. I 100% agree with this. It's a real issue where voters feel betrayed and are pissed off at the career politicians and are looking to the outside for someone to take control of this. IMO That is why if Jeb or kasich or any other establishment-esque candidates are the nominee I guarantee republicans lose. There is 0% chance they will get the turnout needed. That is why the GOP establishment is freaking out they are worried their good ol' boy network is going to come crashing down as by and large voters are increasingly turning away from them to other alternatives that might actually do something and not just be democrat-lite.
  10. You are helping to stop it more than you are ever capable to realize.
  11. You're an ignorant moron.
  12. That's right. Traditional evil white European culture. That's the one.
  13. If you want to discuss Europe go to the refugee thread. This thread is for the idiots at mizzou and the overly militant PC agenda pushers that want to cause a controversy.
  14. Europe is committing cultural suicide.
  15. I know I need to be more aware of my micro aggressions.
  16. That's kinda my point. Typically a swastika is anti sematic. So I was thinking that someone who didn't know better made a fecal swastika to cause controversy and make themselves out to be a victim without knowing what they were actually doing. My BS detector doesn't buy this story. Just like the duke lacrosse case everyone is so quick to judge before the facts are known. What if this whole ridiculous escapade is artificially created? Who would be held accountable for all this knee jerk overly PC crap. What about the people who have lost jobs and suffered financial damage and had their characters defamed over this?
  17. Good win ill take it.
  18. Obviously your not a motor boating son of a B word. Stupid auto type ugh. What are the odds a black student did this to blame white people or the klan?
  19. I think there are a lot of very suspect race boaters involved in this and the more people dig into these different characters its going to really start stinking. My BS detector is all over this. Normal people don't react the way these people have.
  20. If we lose by 1 pt we deserve it because that means a lot has gone wrong. Not losing sleep over a missed extra point.
  21. It's sad how few people are at the game. It looks pathetic on tv
  22. That's freaky how closely they look to each other. Seriously did the nanny get plastic surgery to look like Gwen? Weird story...
  23. When she put in a request for a buzzing mechanical arm in bed....this wasn't what she had in mind
  24. I'm an admitted homer but breaking it down like that actually made me feel much more confident about this game
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