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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. So based on that poll, (i couldn't tell if it said they only got legal or potentially illegal latinos included) what it says is that people who may or may not be legal to vote view the candidates who have the greatest likelihood of giving them amnesty the highest but the candidates who are most likely to be against illegal immigration they view the least favorably (since it may actually apply to them) Shocker.
  2. I HATE the pats* more than any other team in history. I have honest to God hatred of all things new England*.
  3. Your right. Why is he attacking them? It would be much better if he sits there, apologizes to the people attacking his country, and then waits patiently for more of his citizens to be brutally slaughtered again in cold blood.
  4. Shot I must have missed that memo. I thought it started 4v4 and turned into 3v3. Shows how much I know and I'm a huge hockey fan
  5. Good for him that he has the record now. Its unfortunate to watch him decline like this It's sad. He can retire now.
  6. All religons of the past have committed atrocities. The difference is using the standard of today, modern civilized society to judge actions from hundreds and thousands of years ago. You can't judge them by the same standard as you do in current civilized society. Was the moor invasion terrible? Yes. How about the Spanish inquisition? Yes. Etc... Its a dishonest argument to compare events chronologically separated by centuries and a different standard or morality. I can tell with certainty if Christians now were committing the same violent acts as radical Islam I guarantee they would be called out, disassociated from, excommunicated, etc. No way Christians would tolerate their own killing innocent people in the name of god. You're a moron.
  7. My bro has red/green color blindness. He was panicking that he couldn't follow the game. Its legit.
  8. Man the sharks road jerseys are meh. Didn't care for them I also thought overtime went to 3 v 3 only in like the final 2 minutes or something?
  9. How obtuse are you comparing events from hundreds of years ago to modern day, civilized society dealing with militant Islam. If that is the best comparison you've got your more desperate to make a point and follow your marching orders than I realized. You are not being objective at all and grasping at straws. Your hatred and prejudice of christianity is calling.
  10. where are the any Christians, jews and Buddhists killing random innocent people in gruesome fashion in the name of their religion? What about the jihad in Indonesia right now where all the Christian churches are being burned down?
  11. I mean this seriously if that is true why do so many imams promote jihad and hatred of infidels? Where does it come from? Why do the vast majority of extremist Muslims yell out God is great before killing innocent people? How is it possible such extreme views are shared by so many people all too willing to exercise extreme fanatical violence in the name of religon?
  12. No. Not necessarily. That is what minions of advisors are for. I want someone who can lead, and someone who gets it. Well when Obama in his own words admitted to wanting to fundamentally transform our country, I do not like his vision for what he wants the country to become and I don't share his contempt for America being great. Bush made mistakes. Obama is actively trying to diminish America's exceptionalism and that's my problem and what drives my dislike of him.
  13. Since I'm not going to read transcripts anyone have notes or feedback?
  14. When I posted that a few days ago naturally gator jumped all over it with the standard "racist" "bigot" blah blah blah. But hasn't said a word since Friday night.
  15. So if/when these barbaric animals attack los Angeles or las Vegas (since they are the most extreme examples of western and American society, are apologists going to say we were asking for it and it's our fault for provoking the Islamic extremists with our freedom and immorality?
  16. Something about the JV squad?
  17. he's a complete moron grasping at straws to blame Christianity and apologize for militant jihadists. Pathetic. He's showing his true colors and bigoted racist views against Christians. Next card in his play book is blame the crusades.
  18. Career politicians "knowing" the workings of government haven't done is any favors or fixed anything so that's irrelevant. And being batshit crazy is a matter of perspective. Many would consider aborting an unborn child, thinking there are 57 states, hanging around with domestic terrorists, attending an anti America church and in general race baiting and divinding at every opportunity to be catsuit crazy but who's keeping track.
  19. This might be an all time low. Even by your standard.
  20. Letchworth is a good choice. Finger lakes and wine. Can't go wrong there. If it warms enough canalside is an option. Numerous local micro breweries are opening up (hamburg, big ditch, resurgence etc..) Go to ellicottville and hang out there for a day. What else are you guys into?
  21. He was really good. Too bad he never had an elite qb to throw him the ball. He would have been a dominant wr of his era.
  22. I read that as well and it's spot on.
  23. Dear God. Get over your sensitive fragile hurt feelings already. My god these "kids" are the future of our country. We are all doomed. And what the hell is wrong in academia that creates a culture where people think like this. Go back to you occupy wall street protests and shitting on cop cars.
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