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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. What happens, when/if refugees are let in who ultimately commit acts of violence and/or terrorism? What happens then? Who is held accountable?
  2. Cool story bro. Who is looking out for the interests of and providing compassion to the unborn babies who are incapable of speaking out in their own defense?
  3. I live in Hamburg as well and if I didn't live through it, I wouldn't have believed that much snow, that fast was possible. And I've lived my whole life in the southtowns so a typical storm of 1-3 feet is common every year. But this was epic. Even the days after waiting for front loaders to clear the roads was surreal. How my parents always talked about 77, this is my version that I will remember.
  4. Obviously to pull something like that off for so long would take someone who isn't......easily confused. There. Proof Hillary isn't involved! Must have been the future Mr. First man.
  5. Typically if there is an issue that doesn't appear to be logical or make sense, look to see who gains the most (money,power,votes) as Tom said above as guidance to try and understand the underlying forces that affect an issue. Tom bauerle frequently makes this point as well.
  6. why don't you host some of these 25 yr old male refugees in your parents basement. That's the compassionate thing to do.
  7. He would blame Bush. No seriously he would blame the conservatives for pushing them to violence and allowing them access to guns.
  8. Do you think they are going to come here and adopt our values? Hell no. They are going to demand we accomodate them and our PC politicians will all trip over each other to be the first in line to do so. If you have a problem, then your a racist. And on and on goes the narrative.
  9. So there are a million people...willing to follow her? Good grief
  10. Lol that is funny. I like the quotes from the article too.
  11. Im pretty pumped. We've had more than our fair share of critical injuries. Here's to hoping the pats* have more. Anyone up for planting a kilo of coke in gronks car?
  12. There is probably a hotline already set up.
  13. Waiting for crayonz explanation.
  14. Not soon enough.
  15. Shouldn't he be in jail? I thought that was a crime? If true, he deserves to get crushed for it
  16. Geez shocker Were not talking about the Jonas brothers here. I think this story starts getting crazy finding out how many other Hollywood ladies start panicking and how many others may be at risk.
  17. I Think He is perfectly capable to make the stance but chooses not to. Obama has an opportunity to create more conflict and tension, more class warfare, further sub divide us and bring in thousands more of new democrat voters. He could stop it, but it's more benefical for his goals to allow them in. Its all by design.
  18. Just outlaw guns and criminals won't use them. Perfect
  19. You are so misguided. Contrary to the cheap that gets spewed no one wants to push grandma over a cliff.
  20. Cassel is just more evidence of their cheating. He was successful in New England* and been a bum everywhere else. Why? Its their deep systematic culture of cheating. Ernie adams, illegal taping and signal stealing go a long way to knowing what your opponent is going to call. And tampering with communications, bugging locker rooms, stealing playbooks and pulling hotel fire alarms at 2am all help. The "system" is cheating. Its their common denominator.
  21. I'll host a party so you can bring me a bottle of Johnny blue. Deal? I would say I guess it depends on the party your going to and how fancy upscale it is. For some parties it might be fine to bring a bottle of mid level vodka since you can mix it with so much. If you want to be different bring gin? I'm a big fan of all things whiskey and spiced rum. Or other parties a 12er of nice beer would be cool. It all depends on your friends, the party etc... But if you were even considering Johnny blue label your probably going to a nicer party.
  22. Hgh is a hell of a drug. Think it's a coincidence all these aging fading players experience a revival in Foxboro? Its the patriot* way.
  23. I say no but we should be able to keep within the spread. (there bills I didn't jinx you, now go surprise me!) See I think they are just preparing for the inevitable Gillette stadium "electronic communications problems"
  24. Cool. The entitled students at Niagara are planning a class walkout this morning.
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