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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. You can't be serious. Comparing radical Muslim terrorists to America fighting Iraq. Wtf world do you live in.
  2. Because Christians and Jews aren't running around sawing anyone's head off.
  3. I just saw a story on Fox news about pics Scott Kelly took from the ISS. They looked different from the ones posted earlier. The were more or less rectangular lights or objects is how I would describe them. Sorry posting from my phone
  4. If that happened here those kids would be lucky to be alive.
  5. Nothing to see here folks, move along.
  6. Wow with the new claims by anyonomous this just got really interesting. I wonder how close these plans are/were to being operational. Wouldn't our own government and military already know this information? Surely they would have already picked up on some chatter, maybe. The NSA/CIA AND AF Cyber command seem pretty sharp.
  7. Get in where you fit in
  8. I called it earlier that a lot of these so called racist "threats" against blacks, were fabricated by blacks so they can claim racism and victim status and fabricate a controversy. But in reality how could you blame the students they have all come of age under an Obama presidency. This is the legacy the first so called black president has left.
  9. I don't know. I don't have a plan. I'm not in charge of making strategic decisions on national security. But I do realize this is a huge problem that needs to be addressed before it is too late. What's your plan to stop the spread of radical Islam? You do agree it needs to be stopped right?
  10. I am honestly starting to view radical Islam as akin to being an aggressive virus or cancer. They quickly expand into a host and over power healthy cells and replicate their own code until they kill off all the anti bodies. No different than what they are physically doing in the real world. They seek to expand their geographical sphere of influence and do so with complicit western governments actually protecting their growth with our overly PC culture and protections. They continue expanding and with their derranged views They out compete and eliminate their rivals until they are dominant. Even as a minority they demand a did proportionate amount of influence. Their values are fundamentally opposed to the constitution and western values. Time to call it what it is. Its us or them.
  11. Thanks rhino. I Very intriguing
  12. Religion of peace strikes again.
  13. I just recently started being interested in ufos. There definitely seems to be an uptick recently in sightings. Anyone have any data like yearly ufo sightings or anything?
  14. When I first heard it I thought it was him right away. That was my initial reaction.
  15. The point is, they fear and respect putin and Russia. They don't make fake threats about red lines. Putin even though he's an ass genuinely seems to be making decisions based on what he believes is the interest of his country unlike the person currently taking up space in the office of president of the United States.
  16. Right about now 1 year ago.... I was able to climb onto my roof, without a ladder, just hopped right up. To shovel the snow off my Florida room roof.
  17. Don't worry I'm sure he is the only "non refugee" mixed in with these helpless women and children. Allegedly with forged Greek documents until they are sawing your head off with a dull knife.
  18. They are only saying it's the wrong plane because they are afraid of Russia destroying them.
  19. Didn't she also just admit to not knowing the process about the refugees, illegal immigrants and sanctuary cities? Seriously an embarrassment.
  20. That is very interesting
  21. Yup definitely don't want to know who is coming into our country or keeping us safe. He is getting what he wants more instability and taking America down a peg Keep the fundamental transformation going.
  22. Remember when everyone destroyed the predominantly white duke lacrosse team with the black stripper? Only to later find out it wasn't entirely accurate....
  23. Why were they in Honduras? They they trying to sneak in the in protected southern border in detected? I'm convinced we are getting closer to idiocracy by the day. Oh look a kitten video!
  24. Basically he's football rainman. He's the genius behind stolen signals/playbooks, illegal taping and voice recordinga that have ruined the past millennium being a bills fan. Has the guy responsible for the torment. Has the cheating genius behind the curtain. He has a direct line from the booth upstairs to the sideline as well. Pats* are forever tainted.
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