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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. Turkey just shot down a Russian jet. Its about to get more complicated than it already is.
  2. The pats* were subbing and then after their new players were running on the field came back off. When the offense subs they can't quick snap the ball before the defense is ready they get an opportunity to sub as well. Just another typical day of dirty pats* bull **** that they and only they can get away with.
  3. It's the pats* just give it to 'em.
  4. Because it was in the pats* favor.
  5. Thanks captain obvious. Everyone outside of new England and the nfl office knows that.
  6. He was only 10yds away and has the angle.
  7. I've seen this movie before. It always seems to have the same ending
  8. No. Don't cut him. He has value at his primary position just ban him from returning kicks against the pats*
  9. Not impressed. Did not make throws that needed to be made.
  10. !@#$ing as whole nfl officials. Uggghhhhh
  11. So far woods is having a fine game. A few nice catches and some blocks. In cool with it.
  12. Yea.... That's what kinda worries me. I think actual contact with an alien civilization would more likely than not be bad.....for everyone.
  13. Me neither...nope not nervous or anxious at all... Heh..heh...
  14. Do they need a safe space?
  15. It's really under appreciated.
  16. Fukking puzzies. Stop whinning about everything and ruining things for others. Sac up and grow a pair.
  17. Most of the people here who you would consider to be on the right probably don't self identify as republicans. I can't speak for all but I can myself. I am not a republican. I feel the party is too concerned with maintaining the status quo and continuing careers, beholden to special interests and the party of democrat lite. I vote for the candidates in any election that most closely aligns with my viewpoints. There are many disenfranchised "republican" voters who feel betrayed by the party that has lost their way and refused to stand up for its principles. And to your other point Trump exists beause of obama, and republicans not executing their campaign promises once we elect them. Trump is such an extreme alpha male take no bull **** call it like he sees it persona, that he is a breath of fresh air to many who are sick of Obama's bull **** policies general lack of leadership and indecisiveness and apologizing for America. Trump actively speaks what many in the republican party feel. He is optimistic and wants to make America exceptional. He recognizes there are real threats to america, he values freedom and the 2nd ammendment etc.. There is a reason by and large the GOP establishment and media have turned against him so quickly but voters still flock to him. He is a threat to the status quo and the good ol boy network. I still don't know if he is my preferred candidate from the right, but I guarantee 100% I would vote for him over anyone the left rolls out without a second of hesitation.
  18. This. I literally hate everything about these guys. If anyone DESERVES a decade or 2 of QB purgatory hell after Brady's HGH wears off, it's the entire city of Boston.
  19. A sawed off 12 gauge with buckshot?
  20. Thx nanker but I have seen that. The one I saw was actually different. I think it was only released in maybe the last 2-3 days.
  21. 140 rushing. 86 penalty. Total 226 yards
  22. No she is such a pandering phony. She talks in whatever accent she wants depending on her audience. Pull up some of her audio from predominantly black southern crowds, you will chuckle.
  23. Don't waste your time. He clearly doesn't get it and his hard wired progressive indoctrination is incapable of making a logical comparison... In his world it is what it is and no amount of common sense will enlighten him.
  24. Very unfortunate. I feel for him. Interesting to see the other side of things.
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