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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. Thx... I am very aware of the difference. I may or may not own weapons of both calibers. Just messing with some of the non gun types More importantly who uses steel cased .223 in your pic?
  2. How scary can an ar15 be? I mean really... The bullet diameter is only .003" larger than a boring ok .22lr
  3. I would prefer going forever, without Brady. Including the hall of fame.
  4. Good luck in 20 years britts....
  5. I think they start strong, fall apart in the middle( very tough looking stretch) and then finish strong when they got the easier portion of their schedule. I think people will freak out when they get off to a strong start and then start stringing losses together in a row.
  6. Which in a nut shell shows how messed up our country is. 20 years ago he (literally and figuratively) was a Democrat and his current platform would be appealing to 5th traditional Reagan blue collar democrats. That shows how far to the left the country has been hijacked that we are clinging to a guy who would most align as a traditional ( not a modern socialist) Democrat to save us from all out socialism. In primary season I was all for Cruz and a lesser extent fiorina, Paul and Dr. Carson. When trump became our best chance to stop Hillary he has my full support.
  7. He's such a tool. Uggghhh I hate him. Everything about him. Such a whiney cheating brat
  8. The media doesn't care. They are progressive hacks and they control the narrative. Oh look over there! Mitt Romney has a horse! Trumps wife plagerized!
  9. And why are the idiot republicans allowing themselves to be moderated by partisan hacks?
  10. http://www.foxnews.com/world/2016/09/02/swiss-fear-eu-effort-to-tighten-gun-control-could-disarm-law-abiding-citizens.html The EU wants to reduce Swiss private gun ownership but the Swiss aren't going for it. Good for them. They are one of the few European countries that hasn't committed cultural suicide yet....
  11. 100% agree. He has a new campaign manager hopefully they get it together.
  12. It doesn't matter who she's running against. The media wouldn't be treating Rubio/Romney/Paul/kasich any different. They would still be doing their best to cover hillary, spew progressive propaganda and defame her opponnent. The entire process is corrupted and the media is far from being fair and unbiased. Its the way it is. The republicans are not going to be treated fairly.
  13. That was an UGLY couple of series
  14. Congrats! You are a valuable member here I'll get to 6000 some day myself
  15. Depends on the reason. I don't believe smoking pot should pre dispose you to bring banned from owning guns. Its no different from someone who uses alcohol. My problem is if it is truly being users as medical therapy, what is the medical condition? Is the guy psychotic? He shouldn't have guns Is he suffering from chronic pain or some physical condition, sure no problem Does he have some sort of job or marital anxiety ? Well that's the slippery slope. That's where things get interesting. Who gets to determine who is a danger to others?
  16. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
  17. DR I rather enjoyed your first half of the post. Its very unfortunate that as a country we really have lost our way and our government's power has dramatically increased since that tragic day. I don't believe the 9/11 conspiracies out there but I also wouldn't want to believe it could be true. To even think that they are the result of a conspiracy is beyond chilling. But I once read "the bigger the lie the more likely they are to believe it"
  18. There are a few hotels off I90 in West Seneca which aren't far, staybridge suites maybe? Near Mckinley mall is econolodge and I think one other? And in Hamburg near the I90 is a comfort inn, red roof inn and something else. All of those are within a short distance to stadium
  19. So at least this didn't happen to us? "Curse" willing the slippery mat will be the last of our poorly timed freak injuries we as buffalo fans have to endure. Perhaps we are over the curse and things are truly on the rise. PS- I still hate Jay McKee's shin guards.
  20. Thank you for having the integrity to be as fair and honest as possible. It is a difficult position to be in and I can respect that.
  21. The only thing that could make this entire scenario any more dubious would be if a former president who happened to also be Hillary's "husband" had a secret meeting in a private jet with the current attorney General and then days later it's reported the FBI will not recommended to prosecute. Weird coincidence I'm sure.... Nothing to see move along
  22. I don't always agree with OC, but he has a valid point. One side of the issue is given certain tolerance and freedom to make their argument where the same standard of tolerance has not been extended to the other side. One of the underlying issues of this entire thread and debate is political freedom and freedom of expression. That's the irony lost on many.
  23. Now that this thread is on ppp I will get involved. I avoided this like the plague knowing what would happen in the other board.
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