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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. But....but....hope and change! And umm...Yes we can! Yes that's it see told ya
  2. Stop obfuscating the facts. Forward!
  3. Ask the 77 teenagers in Finland if Andres Breivik owned a gun. Oh wait you cant because they were all shot to death. (RIP) its another stupid ignorant statement he has failed miserably on making his point, again.
  4. If one city was forced to lose their team I would rather it be San Diego or jax. Their fans don't seem to care. Rather they lose their team than the bills, vimings, rams etc... Worst case scenario a chargers fan can still relatively easily drive to LA. It would be like us driving to Syracuse.
  5. Owning a gun is a lot of responsibility that requires sound judgement, respect and good decision making. It is not to be taken lightly and needs to be thought out and you must understand any applicable laws and what qualifies as justification for use of said gun
  6. It amazes me this idiot rambles incoherently about blaming the NRA and ignores the fact the TERRORISTS murdered a bunch of innocent civilians. Ak47a are illegal in California. So you think terrorists care if their weapon of choice is legal or not? They could have done just as much damage with shotguns, home made bombs or driving their SUV into a crowd. Its irrelevant. A weapon is just a tool. Maybe we should tell at the OP and blame him and his views being responsible for the anti gun culture in liberal states and work environments where these poor victims were unable to defend themselves. I have never in my life owned a gun. Currently I am going through Erie county for a NY pistol permit. I will not be a helpless victim. My wife is also going through the ridiculous process with me. Since I Probably have another 9-12 months to wait I will probably buy a shotgun in the mean time. I will make sure I am able to protect my wife and children from people who wish to harm us. !@#$ you for wanting to deny me my 2nd ammendment right. The 2nd ammendment guarantees the others can exist. Again I've never yet to this point owned a gun but I have learned and evolved my opinions to realize their importance as I have gotten older. And ask the cherokee, sioux, apache etc how it worked out for them trusting the government to look out for their best interests and surrender their weapons
  7. this was as spontaneous as the benghazi youtube protest
  8. "You're an idiot" sounds about right for the OP. couldn't be a more ignorant over simplistic view of the world. Ya sure it wasn't ISIS to blame?
  9. My gut tells me it's ISIS sympathizers. 3 men with Kalashnikovs, body armor/vests, obviously thought out and planned ahead of time with some level of precision against a soft vulnerable target. I can't see this being a jilted love triangle gone bad, disgruntled co worker, botched robbery. Etc... None of the usual motives seem to apply based on the evidence and eye witness accounts. A sad day if this is the first ISIS attack on American soil.
  10. Not good man. RIP to victims. Early reports are 3 make shooters wearing body armor assaulted a center for adults with developmental disabilities. Wtf man. /Witholding comments on California strict gun laws. Ugh so frusterating.
  11. The info was out there except very few people were willing to listen and see it for what it was. Oh and something about hiding behind a shield of white guilt and calling all who disagreed with him racists. Just be prepared for the dems to roll out the "V" shield and ramp up the Republican war on women while the media runs cover for the clintons. Either way whoever inherits the office of president in Jan. 2017 is going to be walking into a giant clusterphuk. One of 2 things will happen, if a Republican wins they will be blamed for the mess, if Hillary wins she will just continue with more of the same and ultimately it will damage the democrat party long term as more middle class Americans realize the democrat policies have failed them miserably.
  12. What about being entrusted by the public to be in a position of power and jeopardizing national security is not a big deal?
  13. Sounds about right. I predicted that this would happen and a lot of this **** is being fabricated by the race baiting industry and the left.
  14. you think Obama administration nominated department of justice officials are going to go after the city of Chicago?
  15. I'm not over it, because it feels like this entire season was ground hogs day. I think there are at least 3 other losses (jax, pats* 2nd game, NYG, KC,) etc that all more or less feel the same. Very disappointing for multiple reasons.
  16. Has there been any reliable report that the planned parenthood nutcase cited God as his reason for killing people, or is that just hopeful conjecture from the left?
  17. Your such a micro aggressor with your entitled white privilege thinking. How do you make those assumptions about white people. Crazy is as crazy does. He's got batshit crazy written all over his reclusive ass in the woods. Stop trying to make it be something it isn't. This guy is obviously a derranged nut job.
  18. Subsidized solar works. -solyndra I have a problem where I read elsewhere that a lot of the contracts and RFQs for the project were written in a way that only companies very friendly to Cuomo were able to bid on the projects. To me it's just a giant government sanctioned money laundering operation. Ultimately I hope it succeeds but it has potentially a dubious foundation. Curious where Sheldon silver's conviction goes if any dirt comes out here. Either way....Pegulas frac money is doing a fine job transforming downtown on his own.
  19. I would love to see silver take a plea to turn against Cuomo. Get that jerk outta here
  20. I'm very high on bylsma so far. He comes across as being very sharp, analytical, logical and forward thinking. He gives honest and thoughtful answers in interviews and I'm glad he's in an important position in the organization.
  21. That is !@#$ing awesome. Legit troll move by Broncos. Love it.
  22. Agree 100%. I also still find it interesting that there will forever be a very suspicious anamoly with the scab refs, the pats* had a losing record under them.
  23. I would take my chances with those guys over what the league has turned into now
  24. So so glad the pats* lost. It does nothing to help the bills get in the playoffs but man I hate them. I would love nothing more than to see their "patriot way"* come crashing down forever.
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