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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. Good write up. That was helpful to better understand multiple scenarios
  2. He was so good last year. Clutch. I don't know what could have changed unless he lost his confidence or is complacent. I have no idea Those kickers are tough to figure out
  3. Yes driving home I saw bass boats out on the lake yesterday. I haven't checked the lake temp on the NWS website lately but it's probably in mid 40s
  4. We are having a very mild winter. Might as well be the Miami of the North lol
  5. Something about a shadowy character with an obscure youtube clip 8 people have watched?
  6. His actions say otherwise. Unless of course, he is in fact very intelligent and he is purposefully trying to undermine our country with willful and calculated deliberate actions.
  7. Lol of the 3 lake Erie teams we are the least dysfunctional. Think of that. Good Lord.The obvious way to get the bills in the playoffs is restructure divisions. Make the "lake Erie" division. And throw Jax in there as a 4th team. Lol
  8. Stupid is as stupid does. When I was a young lad I heard a saying; "best to keep your mouth closed and let them think you're an idiot, then to speak and remove all doubts" Clearly Yvette has not heard that advice.
  9. No, it's just 100% confirmation from the shooters themselves that they intended on committing acts of terrorism. No sane logical person can claim otherwise. These guys were not on a watch list. Would not have mattered.
  10. Apparently there is new info coming out that the wife pledged allegiance to ISIS before their terrorist massacre.
  11. Great qb. Period. Single most important position in any sport and his play affects everyone else on the field for better or worse.
  12. Ugh what a waste. I definitely won't be rooting for a wardrobe malfunction
  13. There is no point for someone to run unless the have the D next to their name.
  14. That's highly debatable. But I can see why people would compare it to the south park episode of turd sandwich vs. Giant douche
  15. Super exciting to have more outdoor games at the Ralph
  16. Its an outrageous pathetic lack of honesty. Although he still calls the ft. Good shooting workplace violence and every involved is still ineligible for a purple heart, but I digress. Knowing this guys track record his response is right on par.
  17. That was me a few years ago. Then the more I began to think about it, the more pro/con arguments I read and coupled with my own personal observations and deductions I have grown to believe very strongly in gun rights. I believe the 2nd ammendment is crucially important to protecting our societal values, freedoms, American way of life and persons. I am now ready (finished researching and now own a safe) to buy my first gun and exercise my 2nd ammendment right. Its unfortunate the OP wants to yield to shallow knee jerk emotional over reactions instead of critically and honestly looking at an issue. My impression is he just heard his liberal professor say guns are evil and we need to be more like Europe since that is the liberal academia wet dream cliche. And his first emotional reaction is to just hap hazardly run with it and not actually honestly look at the issue objectively. Law abiding citizens with guns are not a problem. Law abiding citizens need to be able to protect themselves and their families. There are already enough guns on the black market anyway let alone buying them legally. Criminals by their very actions do not care about laws and are willing to break them. A gun is a tool. Period. So are pipe bombs, pressure cookers samurai swords, dull hunting knives and SUVs. Any of them can be used to kill. The 2nd ammendment guarantees the others. The founding fathers who were a hell of a lot wiser that I am thought so.
  18. What he really meant was we have never really considered confiscation.
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