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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. The only reason Trump even exists is because many voters are sick of voting for establishment candidates who say what the voters want to hear in a campaign cycle and then when elected behave and govern like liberal-lite. There are too many disaffected voters that have been created by career politicians that many people have grown to hate politics and the see Trump (for better or worse) as a political EMP that will go in and destroy. The establishment has created Trumpenstein. No one can imitate him, he is who he is. That is his appeal. If an establishment candidate tries to be "trump like" most people would see through it in seconds and it wouldn't gain a fraction of the momentum Trump has. Trump is who he is because there are so many pissed off voters.
  2. But it won’t be, because the MSM are essentially Hillary’s Democratic operatives with bylines, and because Trump is sucking all the oxygen out of the room. Or as CBS chief Les Moonves exclaimed on Monday, “We love having all 16 Republican candidates throwing crap at each other. The more they spend, the better it is for us,” adding “Go Donald! This is fun, watching this.” Whatever Republican finally wins the nomination (hopefully Cruz) has a golden gift. Ol' forgetful and easily confused Hillary has served up a pretty nice and juicy slow pitch, in her own words of course. Just imagine a political campaign ad something along the lines of, opening with Clinton's own voice from her previous failed campaign ad (the midnight phone call) asking who should be the one on the other end, then lead into her not answering the call or going to an answering machine, then the Benghazi tragedy and her denying reinforcements, lying about the cause and deceiving dead next of kin over it. game set match. no chance she should EVER be entrusted to look out for this country's national security.
  3. I drive an SUV built on a truck frame with a brush guard. I could easily argue that I am more dangerous with that 5000lb vehicle than I am a gun, intentionally or unintentionally.
  4. Again, someone having a gun in no way shape or form infringes on any of your rights. Period. It has no effect. Now if they want to be criminals and use the gun as a tool to either threaten, harass, harm you... then they are criminals and breaking the law and will have their freedoms taken away via prison. Just because someone has a gun doesn't mean anything for your rights. If someone with a gun is harassing you, at the very least they will probably be charged and arrested with menacing. etc... its a moot point. If someone threatens you with a knife, threatens to blow you up etc... they will be dealt with by the authorities just like if someone threatens you with a gun. A gun is a tool. The act of a bad guy being a criminal is what infringes upon your rights.
  5. The majority of "mass shootings" are black on black urban crimes with illegally owned guns. The media conveniently ignores that reality. Its a convenient narrative to use to further restrict law abiding citizens from owning weapons. Look at the monstrosity that NY rammed through after sandy hook. Every incident is an opportunity for those with an agenda to push and there are enough idiots yelling loudly enough. And if I hear BO say "common sense reform" one more time, my remote may go through my tv.
  6. I missed that somewhere in the previous 15 pages my apologies. when I first heard all the outrage over this and the media coverage I like many thought it was a ridiculous thing to say. So I was curious enough and heard the audio for that portion of his speech and honestly after hearing it and what he was trying to explain (lets face it he's not the most PC guy or a polished politician) what I took out of it (reading between his rambling lines) was that he in general wanted to suspend the whole refugee/immigrant programs until they had a better understanding on the vetting and process and what is really going on and then take a look at it. the initial outrage was so insane there were even reports from the media twisting what he said to the point that the "trump plan" would bar returning muslim US service members on deployment from entering the country which is asinine. So I am not rushing to judgment other than saying that I think a lot of the outrage that people are showing has been taken out of context without really hearing what he said, and the republican establishment which has very clearly denounced his words have been waiting for this moment. They would love to be able to get Trump out of the race so everyone can band around Jeb or Rubio like the establishment wants they will not miss their opportunity to try and piggyback off the media coverage to push the narrative of being against trump.
  7. The problem as already stated, there is no due process for the no fly list. Using that to stop someone's 2nd ammendment right is a very slippery slope. Bad analogy, but maybe demonstrates the point in a similar way, you are a devout peaceful muslim who is a member at a mosque where jihadis have been radicalized. Now the gvt says you are no longer able to practice Islam You l Have lost your right to do so. If you go to a mosque you will be a criminal and thrown in jail for doing so. Bad analogy I know but trying to show the point in another way and how quickly things can spiral down the black hole if people are willing to disregard constitutionally protected freedoms and rights. And for the record no one wants bad guys to have weapons. But using the no fly list is not the way to stop it. You are looking at it differently. Driving a vehicle is a choice, a privilege. Owning a gun is a constitutionally protected right. If someone wants to drive a death trap or ride a motorcycle they should be able to. Its a free market, consumers are or at least should be smart enough to want to drive a safe vehicle but comparing vehicle regulations to mass shootings isn't the right comparison. There are already too many laws on the books restricting gun ownership. I know, Im going through an extremely long and invasive process right now trying to exercise my 2nd amendment right. I see how difficult it is for a legal, law abiding citizen. If I didn't care and was a criminal I could go out and procure a gun now, but i'm not. I follow the overly intrusive and restrictive laws, and i'll make sure I don't load more than 7 rounds in my 10 round magazine.
  8. Interesting, my parents are boomers and I guess I am probably lumped in with various definitions of millenials. My parents were anti gun, never owned one, grew up in a gun free home. I have changed my views and I am very pro gun rights and will be buying my first ever very shortly. I also have many peers whom I have talked with in a similar scenario.
  9. Earlier I posed a simple question, to those saying how angry they are and going on about how evil trump and republicans are, have they actually heard him comments in full context? No one has replied that they had. But judging by the comments here they don't need to answer the question, I already have my answer.
  10. This might be the 1 time I will ever agree with you I don't personally hunt, but I also don't care if others do hunt for food to eat. What's the difference if you eat a burger or venison? Nothing. Both foods came from animals that were killed to eat. And the deer probably had a better life than the cattle. And if she is giving meat to needy families than all the better. That is some direct hands on charity
  11. Has anyone who is commenting heard his full quotes in context or are you basing your opinion based on media and pundit reactions to what he said?
  12. I've seen surveys were a significant portion of AMERICAN Muslims would prefer some form of sharia law to our Constitution. Importing additional people who already believe in, practice or sympathize with sharia is totally incompatible with our American way of life and system of values. When does Islam become a political movement and a religion at the same time? What is the distinction? How do we know the difference? I am all for allowing people to practice their religion. However I am 100% Not ok with ANY form of religion over ruling our constitution or laws. Other religions may have some political sway with their congregations lobbying for or voting a specific way but all within the framework of our laws. Sharia law is Islam. There is no distinction. It is a political movement and should not be able to be claimed as being protected as part of a religion. It is incompatible with our laws. There is no compromise. How do you make peace with that?
  13. Disgraceful doesn't even begin to describe this. About the only thing additional you could do to make the situation worse is to laugh about it.
  14. If they let go of Whaley it would be a huge step.....backwards. I would be very disappointed
  15. Amazing. And not in a good way. This is damming and shows how much bull **** many suspected we have been told all along. Absolute garbage. There is no way this woman should ever under any circumstance set foot in the white house again. Ever.
  16. Probably not. I think it would be a desperate grab at nostalgia trying to catch lightning in a bottle of the good ol days. Just like bringing back marv was a bad idea. If his name was Chad Cassel this thread wouldn't even exist.
  17. I'm sure there is a red line clause in the agreement....
  18. Something about the democrats are driving and the republicans can come along for the ride in the back seat? Sound familiar? Everything you said above can be said in spades about the progressives/democrats.
  19. I get what your saying... But hopefully the fbi cyber forensic guys know what they are doing
  20. Don't you see the awsome humor in this....the girl from Egypt....has some camel toe.
  21. Thank you to all who fought back the Nazis and imperial Japan. I'm glad we are speaking English.
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