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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. Is that what your overlords told you to say? It's tired and played out hearing about an artificially created war on women, no matter how many times you say that it still won't make it true. Why do you hate blacks? And speaking of war on women, when Muslims want to control women here with sharia law who will liberals support? The oppressed Muslims or women's rights?
  2. of course you don't see a problem with a tax payer subsidized organization actively supporting and assisting democrat candidates. And who is picking on women? No one. Save the liberal talking points. People are trying to stand up for the sanctity of human life and unborn children who are unable to speak up for themselves. The irony in this situation is the majority of aborted babies are African American. Democrats are actively engaged in decimating their future voting base. Maybe the democrats should stop their war on black families. Black babies matter. Oh wait they can't vote so they have no purpose to the democrats who just want more power and don't care about the people and groups they pander to and people continually fall for it. Think for yourselves. Just once try it.
  3. Then luckily in 3% of situations lives were saved. Too bad more good guys weren't able to stop shooters.
  4. My main reason was wanting to protect .y family. My motivation was stop procrastinating and do it now, it's only going to get harder and harder.
  5. In honor of the federal government continually trying to restrict law abiding citizens 2nd ammendment rights, and the NYsafe act that was ramrodded through using Sandy hook as supposed justification to restrict gun ownership rights, I just bought my first gun. I couldn't be happier. For me it's quite a change because 10 years ago never once had I considered or even had a desire to own a gun.
  6. Manny came ready to play. He has a very solid game. I would say at least to my untrained eye he is having a very solid above expectations year.
  7. Keep Whaley. I really want to like rex, but the only thing this team has done all year is under achieve at critical times. I don't know where that takes us or who to fault but rex is in charge.
  8. Oreilly has potential to go down as an all time sabres favorite. Very excited to see where the next decade goes. He has so much Michael peca and Chris drury in him and still so young.
  9. I don't think that's quite accurate. I think Tom has said at least Bush had a foreign policy compared to Obama's whatever it is that he decreed on a particular day. /waits patiently under table to be called an idiot. Edit thought I was quoting jtsp.
  10. I couldnt care less what any Saudi thinks of our candidates. Sure glad Obama went on a global apology tour to save face that really helped our foreign policy. I want who is best for America and our own interests.
  11. They follow wherever the money is. Besides it's better when the go down. Allegedly
  12. Ehh if I had 14 million I would rather buy a kick ass ranch or estate instead out in the country.
  13. Yikes...what a mess. Poor kid I feel for the little guy.
  14. I thought this was obvious? You shouldn't have to ask.....
  15. Actually within the US I 100% agree. Outside the country I do like Irish Scottish and Australian accents. Still despise all linguistic things bahston/NYC/ longgg island and new joizey. Ugh the most obnoxious. So pretty much If I ever relocate from wny I need to move south and/or west.
  16. Seriously. Wtf is wrong with kids and academia and overly PC crap. My God.
  17. The majority of media is just an extension of the democrat peoples party.
  18. I finally saw the ninja / ISIS/ anti cop episode. Its on right now and it's hilarious.
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