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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. Lol use their cars to buy a cabelas gift card and then buy a newer version of the gun you just traded in. And buy ammo with the profit. Thanks progressives!
  2. what is his contract? I'm too lazy to Google it. I though he was 5ish per?
  3. Ask Mario Williams of he runs the play He is given, Ask Aaron Williams how his neck is doing, ask Kyle Williams if his PCL is any better. Ask Hughes why he feels the need to get a personal foul every game Etc... Its not that simple
  4. If Hillary was the best you could muster she should be hidden as much as possible. She belongs in jail more than the oval office.
  5. The Republican establishment and do nothing Congress created trumpenstein. Voters elected numerous "conservatives" and republicans the past 2 election cycles to counter act Obama's delusions and they have been pathetically neutered and have accomplished nothing. The establishment probably expected if they just go along as democrat lite and bring some pork back to their districts all would be well. Well, it's not. The voters are still mad as he'll and they see they have been lied to yet again. The average disenfranchised voter sees trump as being genuine and willing to go into DC like a wrecking ball for better or worse to break up the oligarchy political class. My take on it at least.
  6. I support trump to a degree and I'm not the least bit racist.
  7. I saw that. And I also heard he made statements I'm paraphrasing here along the lines of "just wait there are many more like us" So even ignoring all the people will to commit jihad, there are probably exponentially more people willing to directly or indirectly support jihad right here in the USA already.
  8. I tend to agree with this. Keep it special don't water it down just for the sake of doing something.
  9. I don't see trump supporters ever going for the establishment candidate. I bet most just stay home or vote 3rd party. I think the one candidate that trump supporters would by and large fall in line with would be Cruz. Cruz IMO is the only candidate that can draw support from the tea party, trump supporters, constitutional libertarians etc...
  10. Kind of like the way they view the first ammendment. They think it only applies if they like the message. If they don't like it They want to silence it.
  11. You don't like a single candidate for any party?
  12. As much of an idiot as the pastor is, I can't believe a judge thought he could do that. Unreal
  13. What would Bernie know about outlandish promises!!?? Edit, screwed up quote from my phone
  14. I'll try to make that point as clear as possible for our stoner friends. A pothead doesn't care if pot is legal or illegal, they are willing to break the law to smoke it. A law is not stopping them just creating a black market. A crimal is still going to commit crimes with guns no matter how many gun laws are created. They are already readily available on the black market. More laws will not stop criminals from doing what they do. Think of all the geico ads; if youre a criminal you break laws, it's what you do. Edit- off topic but for the record I am for pot legalization I think it should be treated like alcohol. I do not believe it is worth our resources to chase down and punish otherwise legal citizens who like to smoke pot.
  15. When they are done putting blacks in chains (thank you Joe biden) we can feed dog food to poor people and throw grandma off a cliff.
  16. Trump is owning Bush on a regular basis. I still feel like kasich should be selling a car somewhere
  17. We are flying still flying hundreds of planes built in the 50's in the air force.. He has fired numerous high ranking respected officers who he didn't agree with. Plus lots more. Trying to stay in topic of the Republican debates.
  18. So far trump Cruz and Rubio sound strong Bush sounds like a whiny girl. Carson, Carly and Christie doing ok Kasich should be selling used cars. He reminds me of Gil from the simpsons. Awww lost another one gil
  19. I agree with legalization, but that is a ridiculous reason to do so. Its foolish to think a law will stop a crimnal from committing a crime
  20. Criminals by their nature do not care about laws and are willing to break them. They already are willing to use "illegal" weapons. All that would do is limit the law abiding citizens ability to defend themselves against superior firepower of a criminal. You're not getting it. Criminals break laws. They do not care. How are you going to confiscate the tens(more likely hundreads) of millions of high capacity (10+ round) magazines that citizens currently have access to legally or illegally? Sure go ahead just put law abiding citizens at a disadvantage.
  21. Yes. And I don't think he would hesitate to do it again. Cruz is my favorite at this point
  22. I think Cruz is the smartest has the most personal conviction on stage. I don't see him getting suckered in and of the moderators try I can see him scolding them.
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