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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. Not good. The season is off the rails and may have an epic flameout to cap it off
  2. I remember those lessons as well which I'm fine with. I have no problem being required to learn about the world's major religions. But I don't think students should be required to participate in them. There is a difference. If you choose to participate sure great, but required, no.
  3. Not good. Looks like some alert passenger found a bomb in the toilet. (hold the jokes)
  4. Obama uses some pretty clever and crafty wording to frame his arguments. My favorite is when he says "common sense". Well common sense according to whom? Because usually when I hear him utter those 2 words, what follows I think is complete rubbish. So here in lies the problem when you frame an argument based on saneness, being reasonable or moral, or having common sense you only espouse those viewpoints that agree with your stance as being able to be considered "reasonable, moral" etc.. Whoever is in power and controlling the dialogue can do as they please and use some creative language to silence and bully dissenting viewpoints.
  5. Forget it keuka... This country is so divided now each side is just going to keep digging their heels in deeper. And all you progresives can think your savior in chief for constantly blaming republicans, telling them they can come for the ride in the backseat and ruling by the pen for the lack of serious discussion. His Chicago thug style smear politics are some of the most divisive childish tactics ever seen from such a high level elected official. Its no wonder with his actions that people are behaving the way they are.
  6. They aren't hiding her, she was merely backstage being fitted for her crown and sceptor.
  7. I think of someone wants to participate and learn about another religious service for personal growth and experience thats great, but they shouldn't be forced or graded to do so from a position of power unless it's a class you electively take. To clarify what I mean is i am ok with students learning about other religions and being graded but they shouldn't be required to actively participate if it is against their beliefs.
  8. Uggghhh. Make it stop. Obama cannot leave office soon enough.
  9. This country did elect obama.....twice. I would say anything is possible with a country full of idiot voters.
  10. What has Obama done where he is considered a good president?
  11. Then why don't you tell us why Slaves weren't the reason for the civil war. In that note, many of the more influential colonists leading the rebellion were slave owners themselves.
  12. At least they didn't attack an Abrams with a horse this time...
  13. Forgot about that. Remember when Obama drank beers with cops....which how he ended up in that situation shouldn't surprise anyone with his irresponsible rhetoric that has grown the anti cop black lives matter bull **** to what it is today.
  14. And pretty much everything Cruz railed against Obama for proved to be correct. He isn't afraid to stand up for his principles
  15. He's checking with his overlords on how to respond. Probably something like he saved the country from the mess he inherited from his predecessor and prevented a great depression, gave out free phones (paid by tax payers) crushed his enemies with the IRS, made a red line in the sand, droned a bunch of people, blamed republicans and a guy on youtube, released but no detainees (ignore that they rejoined al Qaeda) made the world safer and saved the world from climate change. Best president ever Edit- gitmo detainees
  16. Why is it a good move? What makes it trash? Its a part of their history. Edit It's important to understand history, and not just the parts you find convenient for your agenda. Your comparing a fanatical Nazi to the American civil war confederacy.... Got it.
  17. The only team that might self destruct worse than the bills.....are the bucs
  18. Packers. I have adopted them as my NFC team. The only conflict of interest is every 4 years when we play nfc North I obviously 100% want bills to win. But if packers are on prime time I usually try to watch. I wish we had the success green bay does. We deserve an Aaron rodgers
  19. I was thinking that as well. First 1st Louis game I've watched in a long time and every play someone is cheap shotting someone. It's unreal.
  20. Patriots should be the evil siths Darth Kraft
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