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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. Sigh.... You are so indoctrinated. Think for yourself man. Voting for pro/re-gressives hardly equates with intellect or intelligence.
  2. Not sure but would have been very interesting. Would have been an unprecedented mceichustin tank watch.
  3. Because they are all in league with each other as an elite pseudo political class being educated from their far left universities and use their positions to actively push a "pro"(re)gressevive agenda with an "i know better than you" attitude.
  4. Both. The only time a political party is ever mentioned in a negative way it will clearly be defined as a Republican. Same anytime a "hate crime" is reported it's only ever reported as a white male committing the act. But Wtf is wrong with people. These !@#$s in position of authority and responsibility should be held personally responsible and liable for inciting people to commit violence against anyone let alone the police and furthering the black lives matter bull ****.
  5. Lol That's pretty awesome if rex was helping push stuck people today. It was coming down real good for a while this morning.
  6. I'll adnit, I like many was frusterated with Sammy early in the season. But I can admit I was quick to judge and i've really grown to enjoy watching Sammy mature this year and willingly take on more responsibility leadership and maturity. Good for him
  7. The article I say labeled the target as simply "new York" and obviously everyone else in the country who doesn't have connections to western/ upstate by just thinks that anything new York = NYC
  8. Well finally took my son in a blizzard this morning to see the movie, very few people ventured out so the theater Maybe had 20 people, very nice. I loved it. It felt like star wars. As already stated it realllly pulled elements from ep.4 but has new characters and outcomes. It was nice to see new characters being built up to replace ones that will not be involved anymore. I did like fin and reys storyline. My gut tells me Rey is Luke's daughter or was a child apprentice of his and he left her on jakku to protect her and hide her from everything, then he went into self imposed exile. Obviously she will resume Jedi training going forward. Rey clearly has Jedi lineage. I might have missed it, but I almost think the voices in the one trailer of luke talking about the force, "and I have it, and you have it..." is for episode8. I did take a pee break so I might have missed it being said in this episode. I don't see fin as having the force but see him more as like Han solo as being a strong regular guy type character who happens to find himself in the most important places in the galaxy. I would love to know why Han solos son becomes obsessed with dark vader Wtf is that? Any theory to what happened All in all very glad with how it turned out and it didn't disappoint me or make me mad at the franchise so I'm pretty happy. Will definitely have to watch it again for things I missed the first time.
  9. Like the ISIS sympathizers that wanted to attack the art convention outside Dallas...they didn't get past the parking lot.
  10. A guy in Rochester was just arrested for plotting to carry out an imminent attack at a bar in Rochester tonight in support of ISIS. Not good
  11. If I had an elite qb and a thorough engrained systemic program of cheating I could be a great GM too. But that was an interesting read.
  12. First 2 periods looked good. Caps are best team in the league and we were right there with them for the majority of the game
  13. Go crawl back under a rock. You have severely unjustified hatred of the Pegulas that stinks of jealousy and envy.
  14. I despise bucky. I think he is a low life scumbag taking cheap shots from his ivory tower. Screw him and the buffalo news. He really rubbed me the wrong way with a lot of his sabres articles last year and I think this "reporter" has a clear agenda. He's a loser.
  15. Where are you moving to and what made you decide that country/location? California "might" have increased their population... But it's not people that can officially be counted and don't pay taxes, because they are here illegally. So they had a net loss of taxpayers
  16. I would bet at least a decent percentage of them are considering Oregon. It seems like that is the popular move from the bay area to escape.
  17. Are you looking at the same map as everyone else? California LOST population. NY IL CT CA NJ MI have some of the highest taxes in the country, they all lost population.
  18. Cool good job cherry picking the outliers. Look at the trend, it will show that the majority of people are leaving areas of high taxes for areas of lower taxation. Except for Washington DC which the progressives have continued to steadily grow.
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