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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. Cool....so gun owners will now be less likely to self seek mental health services if they have depression or anxiety for fear of ending up in this mysterious list on a government database. Unintended consequences of poorly thought out decree by pen.
  2. That was pretty deep. Powerful scene
  3. Of course they were armed, people were regularly getting shot at and buildings were being burned and looted. That is extreme life threatening levels of violence.
  4. Did you say the same thing to ferguson or Baltimore protesters?
  5. No one is saying that. Most of us are saying the following; -their cause has a point and the government has gone overboard in this case. -they are not damaging property, terrorizing anyone, committing acts of violence or harming anyone. -some disagree with their method of protest by moving into an abandoned federal cabin but to this point it has been harmless and no property is destroyed personal or government. Edit- and most here are smart enough to see the difference in the way these guys are being portrayed compared to the spoiled !@#$s who destroyed half of ferguson and rioted in Baltimore.
  6. That was my point. If we finish at bottom the top 3 picks are all lottery so we actually have a good chance to get another major impact player ( I know slimmer chance for auston than we had last year for mcdavid but whatever) we have a chance for another elite player
  7. Matthews watch begins
  8. Read a few posts up. Multiple posters acknowledge you can take issue with their method of protest.
  9. Lol a little humor my friend in an otherwise depressing thread.
  10. He is not getting that the protesters/militia are standing up to the government to protect the rights of any individual citizens. They are trying to prove it is wrong and what they are doing with their message applies to ANY citizen. Now you can take issue with their method of protest and they might be over reacting because of previous issues and tensions out west with the BLM but so far everything has been relatively peaceful and orderly.
  11. Destroying fergueson, Baltimore or shutting down Minneapolis are all just A-OK forms of peaceful protest against mico aggressions. No rioting, violence, looting, destruction or terror there.... I know because the federal government Condoned it all. Black lives (and only black lives) matter. No one else's.
  12. SO IS THIS TRUER POST-COSBY? Flashback: The Jeffrey Epstein Affair Imperils Hillary Clintons Presidential Prospects. Exactly how tight is the friendship between former President and potential future first gentleman Bill Clinton and Mr. Epstein, who owns a private island in Florida and is now accused of having sex with girls as young as 12 and procuring young girls for sex with other friends of his? What was Bill Clinton doing on the island with Mr. Epstein on multiple occasions and why did he fly overseas on Mr. Epsteins plane at least 10 times? Obviously Mr. Clinton was undercover investigating the Republican war against women.
  13. Well...maybe time to buy stock in 1 of the 2 publicly traded arms manufacturers. Anyone have any info or tips on strum ruger vs. Smith and Wesson? Which is the better play?
  14. Who was the last black person to serve a prison sentence, get released then after a period of time elapsed a judge decides said individual didn't serve enough of a punishment and orders them back to jail? Aren't you concerned about your individual rights and freedoms? Or is this different for you because the ranchers are white, not shitting on cop cars, not looting, nor causing bodily harm to citizens?
  15. Yes, I am. This situation has quite a bit of individual merit. Anyone with any interest in an equitable and fair justice system should be backing these protesters. I admit I haven't paid much attention to this at all but it is frightening how the federal govt appears to be abusing their power because they can. Can you imagine if these ranchers being thrown into jail for extra time because a judge said so, were black?
  16. "Bills fan self immolates after missing the playoffs for another year"
  17. I'm glad for ej. He is very likeable and easy to root for.
  18. You know the rest to be true so you make an outlandish cheap shot. You're so clever, way to dispute the issue. :clap:
  19. Different rules and reaction depending the group. Black lives matters, rioting, destroying private property, assaulting people, causing bodily harm and encouraging attacks on the police. In general condoned by obama, the feds and media. The occupy wall street idiots destroying public and private property, rapes, violence etc... Condoned by Obama and the feds and media A militia group protesting ridiculous government attacks on private citizens rights = terrorists. Wtf? I just read a somewhat controversial book Civil War2, it was written in the early 90s I believe for context, but some of the recent events are starting to align with some of the predictions and warnings the author made almost 25 years ago. Not good.
  20. Don't worry gator the IRS Gestapo will be sharpening their proverbial pencils right now. Edit- How would you compare these guys to say, occupy wall street or black lives matters? There is a very significant difference between them.
  21. This thread is such a lost cause. But yea how about that councilman telling citizens to commit felonies and assault police officers....
  22. When did I say they shouldn't be educated? That was your inference not mine. I believe they should be objective, fair and factual, not biased. But that is a completely separate issue that begins way before most of these hacks ever get in front of a camera or begin writing their first column. It begins from these career academia agenda pushing douchebags that are in positions of power and authority who indoctrine these impressionable college students who have no real world experience to draw from to challenge their thinking and teaching. I've personally been in classes where professors have clear agendas and in purely subjective "discussions" students who get involved that who have different viewpoints or ideas than the professor are summairly belittled and silenced and have been lucky when their grades were not affected as a result for challenging the professors opinion. Now take enough of these self agrandized losers and put them all together and you get the group think mob mentality we see now in media and the left.
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