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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. I agree. She 100% needs to be held accountable. But for whatever reason no on is calling her out on it. And that sucks. I can only hope that a tactical decision was made to still call her out over it but at a later time. I agree She should have already been called out on the carpet over this but it hasn't happened. I just pray it will.
  2. Bwahaha love the camel
  3. My only hope is they are waiting to hammer her over this Until when she is offically coronated as their candidate after primary season. Then start pounding her lack of ethics and try to completely discredit her judgement and trustworthiness. Thats my dream and what anyone with moral integrity would do, but most republicans are giant puzzies and the media runs cover for the regressives so I'm sure like everything else this queen in waiting has done it will be ignored and swept under the rug.
  4. Shoot... Just got eat a turducken
  5. Unfortunately I think you're right. She's a sociopath and I think she believes her lies or at the very least has memory trouble and remembers what is politically convenient. She is the biggest fraud in politics.
  6. Lol you saw where I was going.... But is he a white Hispanic guy?
  7. Probably because he seems like a young family man that is surrounded by predominately single guys who party. Or probably back home in Florida and feels out of place trying to adjust. Not a big deal. Nothing to worry over. This is why Twitter is dumb.
  8. No Not racist just bad memory/leadership What race is the new supervisor?
  9. So it's 1 hour of scripted discussion. That's useful
  10. Did mitt post that while he was riding his horse?
  11. But....cash for clunkers. We got those cheap older vehicles off the road
  12. Any idea or guess on the potential yield of this test bomb?
  13. Shhh...you're obfuscating with facts
  14. Fundamental transformation. I think progressives would love nothing more than to have more people every year dependent upon the government. It guarantees their existence.
  15. They forgot "random night in Chicago" where guns were bought illegally by gangs.
  16. #Fundamental transformation
  17. Good thing the European governments are trying to hide and downplay their new refugee committee crimes, wouldn't want your OWN CITIZENS to be upset at the problem.
  18. Criminals buy guns on the black market anyways. They already circumvent the existing background checks. This Wil accomplish nothing except further restrict law abiding citizens constitutionally protected rights.
  19. Have you applied or are you familiar with the process of applying for a NY pistol permit? Why in the he'll should someone have to have a waiting period after going through that debacle. What does a waiting period accomplish? My concern is pretty simple. I'm worried The government will use minor issues like anxiety and depression to deny citizens 2nd ammendment right. They will get put on the mental health database and have their weapons confiscated and denied the ability to buy new ones. Yes 100% I agree psychotic mentally unstable people should not have access to anything they will use to cause harm to others. But where is the due process? Who determines what that criteria is. That is my objection.
  20. Who defines what mental illness will constitute grounds for gun confiscation? Will being treated for anxiety during loss of a job or divorce cause someone to lose their 2nd ammendment rights? Will people refuse to self seek mental health services for fear of losing their guns or being entered into a database? Clearly most people can agree psychotic mentally ill people should not have weapons, but how is that defined and what is the mechanism? Should we not allow mentally ill people to own vehicles? They can be used as weapons to drive into a crowd. It may not be as "common sense" as you would expect. Unintended consequences are a B word.
  21. Do you believe in the US Constitution?
  22. I have 0 expectations for this team and I'm really enjoying this season. No pressure. On just enjoying watching the young guys develop. Once they mature more and we get more talent and get rid of the veteran deadweight, awesomeness will follow. A top 3 draft pick this year would go nicely with our young core...
  23. I'm sure that if your guns are "temporarily" taken away you will then either get flagged on the mental health database or the NICS checklist as a threat. And again,what is the criteria needed to decide to take someone guns? What evidence, due process needs to be followed or just someone feeling uneasy is enough to warrant a confiscation? Why stop with families? After all your co-workers spend all day with you and I'm sure your neighbors are concerned too..
  24. Why did you bring women into it?
  25. Know what else would save women's lives? Since you're a crusader for women's rights... Ban sharia Islam. What cause or evidence do the family members need to present to the courts? Why stop at family members, what about co workers and neighbors?
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