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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. Lol a tupelov backfire. Only if the cruise missile is included. I couldn't imagine the maintenance costs to keep it airworthy and fueled. I saw a mig29 for sale on the internet's the other day...thought that would be a fun toy you could realistically buy if you win Powerball. Incredible I thought we were down to 19 B2s? Either way, Powerball fever! Woot Any predictions on final jackpot prize? Will it get to 1.75B?
  2. Yea that actually seems somewhat likely. Office pools are popping up like crazy and it's Powerball mania. Think it's up to 1.5B now. Unreal If you win the whole prize no taxes etc...You could almost buy a B2 bomber
  3. Agreed...just thought it was interesting we have uniformed police officers being attacked by ISIS sympathizers in the name of Islam, it pretty much gets ignored and the mayor makes outlandish statements that this attack has no relation to Islam. Since this is the generic Islamic terror thread thought this was the most appropriate to post.
  4. I'm surprised no one commented on the idiot Philly mayor who denied that the Muslim terrorist thug who was shooting police for enforcing laws that are not in agreement with the Qur'an, claimed the shooting has nothing to do with terrorism or Islam.
  5. It flies, you ride in it, and its built in china. No thanks.
  6. Kane had some serious poetic justice at the end of the game. Make the ultimate team first play to give Samson the empty net hatty. That must drive those classy jets fans crazy.
  7. That's a lot of cocaine, hookers and pet tigers with gold leashes.... If I ever won I like to think it would change me for the better and not worse. I would immediately hire a lawyer and financial planners, set up trusts, investments etc.. Immediately Pay off all my debt. Quit my job. Then I would like to run a charity. Maybe buy a vacation house. Avoid making major life changes and significant impulse buys. Resist as much temptation as possinle, blackmail and scandals. Make sure my family and very close friends are taken care of and generally live a similar day to day lifestyle I have now. Generally try to keep as low of a profile as possible. Hopefully with less stress. But....mo money mo problems...
  8. I genuinely think there are plenty of America loving conservative democrat types that feel their party has been hijacked by elitist socialists and can't stand the direction their party is taking. I think that is why trump has so much support. Disaffected Republican and Democrat angry at their party establishments see him as a genuine wrecking ball and with him it doesn't seem to be "business as usual" and people believe what he says because he isn't an already disappointing two faced politician.
  9. Hey who wants to buy a professional sports team? I'm sure after taxes and the lump sum you could still buy the Arizona coyotes and have plenty of scoot left in your pocket.
  10. Which is why Twitter is dumb. No one ever knows what context people mean and things are constantly misinterpreted.
  11. Hillary has fought harder for women's rights than Jeff epstein
  12. However, as with Obama in 2012, Trump gets results! If the establishment is against cruz, it reinforces my already existing belief that he is the best candidate for the country.
  13. I don't think I would trade Samson for druin on straight up. I have been very pleased with his development.
  14. The longer Bundy and his crew refuse to leave the more likely I see this ending badly. If Obama orders the feds to crush these guys (which they likely would do with far superior firepower) I could see many Americans being appalled with the government's use of force against these guys. Again to clarify my position, I agree with their protest message and grievances but at this point I do not agree with them staging a glorified sit in on federal property. I think it will either end with them being slaughtered or eventually the feds will block access to them from supporters and just starve them into surrender. Either way I don't think the bundys are going to win the PR battle and the media will demonize them. In a war no one remembers the martyrs when they lose. Winners write the history.
  15. This team would look really nice with Matthews or one of those Finns at the draft, get another top4 defenseman, shed more deadweight and for the love of God score on your scoring chances. I feel like we are just a season or 2 behind the Panthers on the development curve.
  16. Lolz that is nice to see the token budget beer list I can honestly say I feel like less of a wnyer I've never had the legendary cream ale. I need a 12er
  17. My sarcasm meter must be broken because I can't believe you mean this seriously...
  18. Like i said....if the American people wanted it like that douche claims, he wouldn't have to circumvent our legal system and Congress. He is just giving an overt visual display of a big F-U to America and the constitution. He knew what he was doing. Don't ever think for a second he doesn't know exactly what he is doing. To an observer he looks like a bumbling fool, but we are not looking at America how he does. His actions are deliberate by design and execution and he is very cunning and crafty and knows exactly what he is doing. Sure he has no leadership but he is following his ideology to the letter.
  19. So basically skynet on steroids. Cool.... Were all doomed.
  20. What are your trade rumors and speculations? It seems traded are starting to happen and I imagine Murray has a few guys he wants to clear out and a few targets to bring in. I can see him willing to trade off most any veteran on this team including gionta. I think he has his captain in waiting with RoR.
  21. If the people wanted this like he claims with his very manipulative wording (common sense legislation, a majority of gun owners etc..) This would get passed through Congress how legislation is supposed to be created! Not by a wannabe king with a pen. Its not what the American people want which is why he is doing what he is doing.
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