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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. Hilarious. I literally spit beer out. Well done
  2. Lol no. That was my phone autocorrect. Ugh Meant to say I live in ny
  3. This can't be well thought out...should we state the obvious?
  4. You probably already have read it, but if not pick up the books 1 second after, and 1 year after.
  5. I love in NY and I agree with him. By and large NY voters on average are regressive liberal big government idiots. Edit, what is the max size pop you can buy in NYC again??? Lol.
  6. It wouldn't even take 72 hours. As soon as a few observant people realize it's an emp within the first few hours (independent electronic systems would fail simultaneously, electric grid, cell phones, utilities, modern cars etc, unless electronics were protected in a faraday cage) the observant people who understood the scope of the disaster would be looting within the first 6 hours to start hording supplies then when panic sets in the masses would be looting by the end of day 1. But whatever I'm getting way off topic here Edit- brining up EMPs is critically important because I feel it is one of the single biggest threats we gave that the average person is totally unaware of.
  7. Agree on Christie. I like listening to what he says, but his record and history say otherwise. I do not trust him. He seems to campaign like a conservative and govern like a progressive-lite
  8. Cruz is an intellectual heavyweight with some charisma. He is owning the debate so far 30mins in.
  9. If I were lucky enough to win I would be willing to pay millions to remain anyonomous
  10. Ben Carson bringing up EMP attacks. Good for him. More people need to talk about it and be aware. It is utterly terrifying what would happen after.
  11. I think I like Carly and Paul maybe in the 3-5 range. (behind only Cruz and trump) I guess I am partial and attracted to political establishment outsiders who border on conservative libertarian.
  12. More or less this was the original plan for the San bernadino asshats. Throw pipe bombs into rush hour traffic on the freeway and when everyone stops and gets out of cars open fire on them.
  13. I think it does. They want to protect their top asset
  14. Roasted. I prefer some of the undercard candidates to some on the main stage
  15. Merkel is just openly destroying her country out of political correctness and Nazi guilt
  16. I know about their Muslim population. I just was directing my comment specifically to ISIS expanding. How long was ol' barrack husein Obama in Indonesia for again?
  17. They're on the run.......expanding to new areas of operation.
  18. This is a pretty logical assesment
  19. Can they please please please take kasich with them
  20. Here's where I'm divided.... 1- I think it would be great to have Hillary inherit Obama's disaster and the 16 years of democrat/progressive continuity of ideology. It would cement it as a completely failed experiment and strengthen the conservative/ libertarian counter movement. 2- my fear is the country cannot survive another 8 years of this and it needs to be fixed ASAP or we are doomed. Secondary fear is if a conservative wins the media will blame the impending disaster inherited from Obama on the conservative who takes over not the root cause of statist progressivism. 3- if Hillary gets 8 years she may effectively kill off any credible oppostion on the national level, forever and create an unofficial single national party. If she rapes the constitution like Obama has in 8 years the 2nd ammendment will not be recognizable, 15 million new (currently illegal aliens) will be given their citizenship to bolster democrat ranks. Many more millions of citizens will further be dependent on the government. Our defecit will have grown at exponential rates. We will not be able to recover from this scenario and the republicans will no longer be a viable national party and will never get enough delegates to win a preferential election ever. Lastly, Any criticism of her or her progressive policies no matter how justified and you are just a woman hating sexist pig.
  21. Hans is one of my favorite villains. RIP
  22. Either way.....super athletic huge fast guys flying around at full speed, presumably their brains are going as fast as the rest of their body, if they come to an abrupt stop from a violent collision, even just a shoulder to shoulder hit, their brain may still smash into the inside of their skill regardless of helmet or design. Brains are delicate and these guys are freakish athletes playing a game with violent collisions.
  23. That's it....lets get him!!!
  24. It's obviously those Catholics at it again. Oh wait... Not good scary situation. I feel for the victims right now especially if there are hostages.
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