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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. This was my intent. There would be far reaching effects of a progressive is able to control the next 2-4 SCOTUS nominations.
  2. I can agree to that But it has exponentially increased in tempo since.
  3. I think it's interesting that folks on both sides keep going farther away from the middle. Since BHO took office this country seems to get more fractured and divisive by the day. Its sad.
  4. The country as we know it can't survive 8 more years of regressive policy. The supreme court will be loaded with hardcore liberals. The constitution will be destroyed. The divisions within the country will be even more fractured.
  5. Cool. thanks for twisting my words and intent to portray what you want. He has a stupid initial post on a thread that didn't deserve a serious response. It's scary the thoughts you have, the way you view others who have different ideas than you do, and how hostile you come across.
  6. No, not really. I would much prefer to be content and satisfied with the direction of this country and for my children's future.
  7. You're right. And it's justified.
  8. These guys (trump/Cruz/carson) all exist in one way or another because the conservative leaning voters CANNOT STAND the Republican establishment anymore. The republicans currently in power campaign one way and promise us what we want, but once we elect them and they get into office govern as weaklings barely even challenging the progressive agenda and just going along to get along. The main appeal of trump/carson/Cruz is voters feel they share the same values and ideals, that they are not establishment candidates and they are true to their beliefs they are campaigning upon. The establishment created Franken-trump now it's time to pay the piper.
  9. I keep hoping exactly that happens. Hillary gets indicted and fitted for an orange pantsuit. Then Bern wins the nomination. Regressive ideology is exposed and gets thoroughly trounced on a national level. Rs win all but NY,CT,CA,NH,VT. The regressive movement gets set back 2 decades. Great success.
  10. up boozing eh? Well i'll humor you and bite on your sarcastic nonsense spewed from your ivory tower of regressive superiority. the zombies have already taken control, for the past 7 years. You can argue even longer if you want. flint sucks, no wonder its a crap hole, it's been run by regressives for more than half a century There's this thing called the 2nd amendment. it's important whether you like it or not. And here in America you have the freedom to not like things. no one cares about palin. Jeb is an establishment tool, literally. If you want to hop into the dungeon perhaps come in willing to debate and exchange ideas with a less morally superior accusatory tone
  11. The democrats have a vested interest of keeping blacks and minorities dependent upon the government. If they achieve financial independence and no longer need government handouts then democrats lose voters and elections. The regressives are the real racists and party of modern slavery. As Tom said correctly; The bundys are highlighting an issue that applies to ALL Americans. Their grievance is inclusive of all races, ethnicities and religions. In surprised more bleeding heart ACLU types aren't concerned at the steadily growing government over reach. If the original guys thrown in jail under Ridiclious terrorism laws were black there would be widespread outrage. In this case ignore the messengers and focus on the message.
  12. She will lose at her own game. You can't win against Santa Claus. She should know this.
  13. I will probably never get rich and I'm ok with that. But I still want to try. I will keep working to the best of my God given ability and hope someday I can make it happen. If/when after plodding along as a regular middle class guy chasing that carott im finally lucky enough to be wealthy ill be damned if the government feels entitled to take what I have earned. Otherwise what's the point, why bother.
  14. Leaving an American behind? Irrelevant? At least you aren't laughing about it this time.
  15. It looks like there's some sort of a sea monster in the water hazard. I believe it's a kraken Bruce. The crowd is electric.
  16. Is China ruled for fundamentalists that campaign on killing the great Satan? When was the last time China took over our embassy and held us hostage? How about providing material support to terrorists actively engaged in killing American citizens. Its not the same comparison.
  17. In modern era I would say Big Ben Fitz McNabb Peyton manning I almost put Romo in category because he always seems to try to play through injuries. He might be the toughest guy made of glass
  18. Let's hold off on nuking them. They may be on to something.
  19. Pretty much this. There are so many entitled and spoiled kids that can't cope with or handle adversity that doesn't go their way. So sad for the victims and their family RIP God bless
  20. I think Jeb Bush and chelsea clinton should get married and create the first royal family of clinush where all further rulers descend from.
  21. That's my take as well.
  22. Agree 100000% Huge improvement, it's how it should be.
  23. At this point I want Ted Cruz. After him I would still be happy with either Carson or Trump. I could still vote for; Fiorina, or Paul I don't like rubios stance on immigration and I get the feeling he is another big government republican, I would only vote for him if no other choice. Christie, I like what he has to say when he is campaigning but his record says otherwise. He seems like the ultimate RINO. Under no circumstance will I vote for kasich or Bush. I'll throw my vote away on a third party libertarian or constitution conservative guy first. Edit, on the democrat side of a gun was to my head and I had to pick I would obviously pick the least of 3 evils and go with o'mally
  24. So Hillary is afraid Obama will order the AG to come down on her so to protect herself she whores out for his legacy. !@#$ing hysterical. Only in America where we have a woman who is unqualified to be president by every measure, has accomplished nothing, plagued by scandal everywhere she goes and will literally sell her soul if given the opportunity, yet the media adores her, portrays her as a victim and she will still probably win the election and we're all screwed.
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