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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. That's not what high school was like when I was a youth
  2. Ya. Not good. There is something wrong there
  3. I still feel like Hillary being indicted opens the door for Biden to hop in, save the democrats and preserve Obama's legacy. It's terrifying to think of.
  4. This might be the most intelligent thing you've ever posted
  5. Sanders didn't think Hillary's private server and circumventing law wasn't a big deal. Is that the type of judgement and wisdom we should hope for in a potential president of the United States? What do you think that says about the bern?
  6. If you are interested in a sideshow, then yes a candidate skipping a debate would be more interesting and important than other legit candidates facing tough questions and substance on critical issues facing our country.
  7. I would love to see a Cruz/Paul or Cruz/Carson ticket The video montage is Ridiclious "gotcha" at its finest. Bush league. In losing a lot of respect for foxnews
  8. Just watched video Driving away from the feds/cops is a bad idea. But the guy that came running out of the woods looked like to me the one who killed him. He was looking at the guys back so how he could accurately see him and have the best perspective to decide life and death is suspect.
  9. Agree it came off as petty
  10. God get rid of Jeb and kasich already. If they get relegated to the undercarr it would be a great day. Rand Paul is coming out strong and I like what he says, I feel he is gaining points with his increased airtime. I like what christie says but I don't trust him Cruz is still my favorite at this point. I really like Carson I wish he was doing better
  11. The thing that makes me the most uneasy about trump, is his persona cult reminds me too much of Obama. It seems like blind allegiance to nothing of substance. As irrational as I think the support for Obama is I think trump followers are closing in on It.
  12. Not sure what that was supposed to mean either. I think the implication was peacefully complying with authorities to surrender with your hands up and getting shot is the same as waving a gun at a cop/fleeing/struggling with cop and getting shot are the same thing. Then there is probably a micro aggression of #onlyblackkivesmatter thrown in somewhere too
  13. I wasn't alive yet. Interesting comparison I can relate to, my parents who very much lived through the blizzard of 77, said snowvember of 2014 was significantly worse and more paralyzing.
  14. I think there is more to this than we will ever know. The government is doing a pretty good job at limiting the media, condoning off the area, and in general just not saying anything. They are trying to avoid the ruby ridge/Waco bad publicity.
  15. It's very interesting and I have been fascinated by this topic. I think the xb70 was one of the most revolutionary designs that wasn't fully appreciated at the time. And I always think that some of these incredible machines were designed and built with 50s and 60s technology in relatively short order from blueprint to flight. I can only imagine the type of crap that is being designed and built now that we have no idea about. The coolest thing I ever personally got to see first hand was sit in the flight deck of a b-2. The spirit of missouri. And that is probably part of the first generation of aircraft built with micro processors, computers and advanced materials with mostly 70s and 80s technology and it blew me away with its awesomeness.
  16. DR what are your thoughts on the Apollo project and the moon landings? I find it curious we were able to do things like go to the moon and return, and design the sr71 etc... with 1960s technology
  17. Beavis- "hehhuhuh you have braces" "I have braces too"
  18. This is about where I am on the issue. In trying to learn more and understand the issue better.
  19. Based on previous posts you seem to get a kick out of Americans being killed, didn't realize you have changed your outlook.
  20. Are you laughing that according to eye witness accounts the guy who was killed was complying with law enforcement requests, was surrendering and clearly had his hands up? Still no clear accounts of the details on this yet.
  21. I think more and more, many citizens are beginning to feel used by the government. They in general do not care about individual citizens and only care about staying in power. They are corrupt, lie and whore out our nation's future to stay in power now. They view most citizens as unwashed masses to be fearful of, spy on and control. Personal freedoms are slowly but steadily eroding being replaced with increasing personal dependency upon the government. What's to like about that?
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