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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. If a country does not have borders, it's not a country.
  2. I don't think evangelical Christians are exclusively Republican. They are not seeking to control the government and still respect the laws of man. I don't see that delineation in sharia Islam.
  3. Not a fan at all. I have kasich/Rubio/Christie/Bush all in the same group.
  4. Your comparing Apple's to oranges. Its not the same. How do you separate the religion of Islam from its political component?
  5. RIP very sad and tragic story. My thoughts and prayers are with their family
  6. By constantly screaming racism at everything they are devaluing the real meaning of the word and the actions associated behind it.
  7. If that is your angle to bring "Bush is bad" into another thread so be it. I'm judging Jeb on his own actions,personality and political platform. I don't want him anywhere near the office of President. And I also am growing to despise the professional political class. I don't ever want another Bush/clinton ever in a presidential race. This isn't a monarchy with royal families.
  8. I think everyone can agree, he needs to go away.
  9. Well said. Their 1st ammendment right needs to be respected. I once heard good advice when I was younger "just because you can, doesn't mean you should." The first ammendment doesn't prevent them from being idiots, and as stated earlier good luck getting a company to hire you now.
  10. No alarm. One is a baby too so not very practical solution for me at this point. But still very good advice. I'm not very worried about it. I love in a quiet neighborhood of the buffalo southtowns. But like they say, you never know. Actually come to find out speaking with my neighbor one day, he mentioned the previous owner of my home was burglarized and wallet and jewelrey stolen about 7 or 8 years ago. Probably just kids looking for money but either way that's unsettling so ya.....
  11. Some other advice I have heard, on all your door hinge plates and latches replace the cheap crappy 1.5inch screws with beefy strong 4inch screws. That might buy a few extra kicks. And get reinforced brackets if available. I also have a bright tactical light on my shotgun. My problem is that my master bedroom is kinda in back corner upstairs while my kids bedrooms are closer to top of the stairs. So hunkering down in a bedroom isn't realistic for me. I would need to get to the top of stairs first and get between them and my kids.
  12. The scary part of a home invasion is by the time you are awoken or realize what's going on, you might only have 5 to 30 seconds until it's "you vs them" in confrontation even if you are able to call 911 on a good day for most suburban areas response time can be 3-7 minutes forget it if you are in the country. You would also be lucky to only be up against 2 invaders with minimal resolve and training who would turn and run at first sign of resistance. A bad scenario is 4+ armed and motivated individuals on drugs intent on doing you harm.
  13. #maybebringbackourgirls?
  14. Awesome. It's the nhls fault. They opened it up to fan voting then When they got a result they didn't like tried to pressure the guy to step down, when that didn't work they orchestrated a shady trade to ruin his career and hide him in the AHL. it reads like a bad plot of the WWE wrestling. Scott deserves his moment in the sun he did get some goals and was voted Nov by the fans as a big F-U to bettman.
  15. Scott and the fans had the last laugh afterall. Bravo. The skills contest was fun, and the 3v3 was more interesting than I was expecting
  16. It was nice to see rand get a warm reception at the last debate
  17. I'm going with Sanders/trump
  18. The skills contest was fun. Nice to see John Scott is getting the last laugh
  19. J#8 I don't always agree with your opinions and stances but your gun argument is full of logical sound reasoning. Glad to have more law abiding good guys with guns like yourself out there.
  20. Welcome back
  21. Obama lied? Come on, say it ain't so.
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