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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. Says the guy who lives in a palace in a walled off city and surrounded by armed guards.
  2. No they are busy brutally beating up war heros for not being down with black lives matter.
  3. Apparently a socialist is more appealing to big labor. Lol
  4. Looks like it starts, exactly how 7 ends
  5. This is 80% of trumps popularity and why Jeb or Rubio will not win the nomination. Average Americans are pissed our countries borders are deliberately being ignored and the self serving motives of the regressives are shameful. Bring in a few million more illegal aliens, settle them in some red states, tip the demographics and sheer numbers in their favor, don't enforce voter identification laws and voila, you have screwed the country to keep yourselves in permanent office
  6. You're right I forgot, silly me. We did go on a worldwide apology your and give a reset button. Of course things are better.
  7. I'm only saying this half tongue in cheek, some of the crazy conspiracy theories I've heard or read don't sound as crazy as I remember them being at the time. Don't tell that to the anti UWEX16 guys
  8. It just seems like there is so much that can go horribly wrong here and quickly spiral out of control. Russia keeps deploying more forces and weapons systems, we are doing what're us and/or the CIA are doing. The Iranians and Saudis want a piece of the action and Turkey is itching for a fight. I just don't see any realistic chance for a good outcome with all these different and opposed forces being in the same theater.
  9. Somehow I have a feeling a lot of the weapons being used in Syria can be traced back to the CIA annex in benghazi that Obama and clinton wanted everyone to forget about. Its a giant mess I can't even keep track anymore who's fighting who in Syria. Of fun ISIS is also most likely in possession of some Ir-192 which can be used to make a dirty bomb according to a new report.
  10. Now we know where the federal government's hundreds of millions of ammo rounds all went. Sigh...Time to get fitted for a tinfoil hat.
  11. Not good... Will this give Turkey the excuse they have been looking for to go into Syria too? Syria is about to be an even bigger clusterphuk than it already is.
  12. Keuka, you are mistaken because you are looking at the situation that Obama is stupid. He's not. He's very cunning and rigid regressive idealogue who is doing precisely what he wants. Itsnot by accident or happenstance. His rhetoric, decisions and actions become more clear, frightening and logical when you approach it that he is deliberately making these decisions, and that he is doing what he wants. Many people who struggle to understand his actions just chalk it up to him being dumb or inexperienced, but he is just doing what he told us he was going to do and what his mentors taught him. Its just the average American struggles with the idea that someone can ascend to hold office of the President of the United States of America when they view the America we love with disdain.
  13. Wtf?? Are you !@#$ing kidding me that federal tactical teams are going around on delinquent federal student loan debtors?? Wtf man
  14. If it berns when you pee, it's time to get tested.
  15. Shut up you regressive hack. Don't bring up race and insinuate we are all racist because Obama is an awful president for the country and he gets called out for it. We love his black half very much, it's his white half and awful policies we hate.
  16. But obama said they were the J-V team?
  17. The future is very bright. All the guys we are counting on for the future are better than expected. .....now we have to just shed the dead weight and get a few more pieces
  18. Let's not hope that Russia takes out Turkey. I would Much prefer to not have a global world war. Which an attack on Turkey could very easily escalate into, even up to including tactical or even strategic nukes. And throw the Saudis into the middle of all this now and who knows where the hell this will end up.
  19. Thermometer outside my window says -13 right now
  20. I love how a concussion is listed as an upper body injury. But in all seriousness, they are nothing to mess with Ennis should be concerned with his long term health. Many hockey players have to retire early from concussions. He has already had a few.
  21. You mean the Clinton's are embellishing, see just flat out lying? Say it's not so.
  22. It's very clever semantics of the left to play on words. Immigrants are not the same as the illegal invaders who do not respect our soverign borders. Legal immigrants are welcomed and encouraged to contribute to our country. Illegal invaders disrespect our laws, borders and sovereignty and want free **** and everyone else to learn their native language and follow their religions and for us to accomodate them. Stop using the term immigrant when we all dann well know you are using it disingenuously.
  23. You did it wrong, you have to repeat yourself. She's a disaster.....shes a disaster.
  24. I think the country is moving farther away from common middle ground. The left is regressing closer to socialism while the right now matter how badly the establishment tries to stop it, continues to pull farther right. The media coverage and portrayal would have you believe the country is going left, but I think the country is going farther left and right at both ends of the spectrum.
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