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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. Cruz has been spot on most points. He is my preferred candidate because I think he is the most conservative candidate who could actually win.
  2. I really like carson, unfortunately he doesn't have enough charisma and "fun" sound bytes to ever gain enough interest. He would have potential to be a great president but we'll never find out.
  3. Nice speech Hillary, but life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is of course in the Declaration of Independence, not the Constitution. Supporting the 2nd ammendment, does not equate to forsaking life liberty and happiness are not mutually exclusive. There is no correlation. Ridiculous argument even by her standards
  4. I dont like Rubio much, but he ate trumps lunch in that exchange
  5. !@#$ing pussies. Man these regressive kids suck. Tell that to an iraq, or Vietnam veteran your life is in danger because a guy has a different viewpoint than you.
  6. I did read the article thanks. All those cities are predominantly democrat strongholds. I am no expert on California politics but san bernadino might be the most conservative city on that list. And they are in Cali so good luck. Memphis is in a red state but is a solid democrat city and probably county too.
  7. Again, as I've said numerous times on the other football side, hey at least were not Cleveland. But weird, a city that has been run by democrats for 2 generations in a state that is as solid blue as you can get, that has some of the highest rates of unionization, is on the top 10 most distressed list. Must be purely coincidence.. But I can honestly say thanks to Pegulas evil frac money we are going in the right direction and in better shape than I can remember in my lifetime. One private citizen did more for this city than 40 years of democrats.
  8. Huh, I thought the Rocky mountains would be more rocky
  9. Thanks Mike for your time here and giving an honest effort and actually caring. Best of luck in the future
  10. Serious thought provoking response in a serious thread.
  11. After the damage is done and the outrage is over is usually when information comes out that it was all a hoax, which by and large just gets a small 10second play in the media if at all. It doesn't help their agenda.
  12. So by using regressive logic, if a prebt willfully chooses to not provide for their children, that is not neglect or abuse, causing harm and suffering?
  13. What I think is funny is Nixon is the most commonly thought of or example used of a corrupt politician but Hillary has him beat in spades.
  14. Congrats I think? Lol I'm not sure if I ever want to make it that high. It seems like a blessing and a curse.
  15. The more I thought about it, I think I understand trump better and how messed up our political system really is. I think trumps views would really lineup as a traditional blue collar democrat or at least 20 years ago would have been a democrat. But the democrat party has been so hijacked and pulled to the extreme left by the regressives there isnt even a resembelence to the traditional democrat party. I think Trump more or less has blue collar democrat policies with a strong sense of nationalism and pride. He appeals to a lot of people who would otherwise identify as being a part of other groups. I think conservatives are pulling for cruz, big government traditional and younger republicans for rubio, commies and hippies are in the bag for sanders, criminals are pulling for Hillary and trump is cleaning up with the rest. Ive had a few scotchs cut me some slack
  16. Jeb=out. Thank God. Hopefully kasich is next up to throw in the towel.
  17. Golf. Lots of golf. He is too arrogant and full of himself to just go away. I don't like Bill Clinton and not super thrilled with W bush, but at least they more or less followed the examples of previous presidents and mostly stayed in private or occassionaly made some charity appearance. No way Obama does. He still thinks he is a celebrity and bigger than his office. He isn't going to fade into the background like his "predecessor".
  18. I love lehners crazy eyes. He looks badass. The guy is huge and very athletic. He cares a lot too and has a lot of personality. If he continues playing well he will become quite popular around here and no one will care we have up a 1st for him Seems like the parts of the team are coming together.
  19. I think Bailey got a taste of the show and it will motivate him. He showed a few good flashes of potential. I think he will develop into a contributor in the next year or 2
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