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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. What do you not like about Cruz?
  2. DR, a little off topic, but do you have any interesting theories on why Obama has fired so many high ranking military officers, and in particular seems to have it out for submarine commanders?
  3. Racists like obama, racists like Hillary. Whatd your point? Stop being evil and wanting a respected soverign border.
  4. That's actually pretty cool. Your locks can accomodate panamax size ships? I did not know that very interesting.
  5. Duh, it's a personal massager.
  6. Cruz is a very good option. If people were really true conservatives like they claim to be, he would be pulling away with the R nomination.
  7. Lol "you people" there ya go again. If she would have cut the child's head off and ran around yelling oh yea 6-7 were still in the hunt wildcard baby!!!! she would clearly be insane. But why praise God after committing a horrific act against an innocent child?
  8. Ask her. She cut off a kids head and yelled alluah akbar not me. To steal 4mers thunder, it's all fun and games until . . . . . . . . . . your head is rolling down a flight of stairs. Edit, And I said, I hope she is insane.
  9. Maybe, just maybe because she was yelling Allauh Akbar while parading the child's severed head around the streets. Hopefully she is insane, I think if she isn't it's even more horrifying.
  10. Everyone can agree, students having guns in school is bad. Gun free zones do not stop criminals. Criminals by their nature do not care about laws and are willing to break them, committing their crimes. If there were armed teachers, or security officers at least there would be a better chance to protect the innocent students from being defenselessly slaughtered like sheep. But to what I posted earlier in this thread, what the hell is wrong with our society that allows some punkass kid to feel justified to shoot others.
  11. I think there are more societal issues at work that people are too quick to discount. As the country becomes less religious and more secular, gun violence has increased. There are less 2 parent households raising children. People feel more entitled and selfish than a generation ago. In general people now are much less polite and more disrespectful than just a generation ago. Unemployment and underemployment has a much higher rate than a year ago. The "war on drugs" and "thug culture" haven't helped either. Guns are already out there. They are not going away. Too many bad guys already prey upon weaker people. I think we need more good guys with guns.
  12. So 70% of people prefer a criminal over a communist. Got it.
  13. Pure brilliance on multiple levels
  14. This is exactly what other law enforcement people say that I personally know.
  15. Sounds like a pretty irresponsible law enforcement officer. Of he doesn't trust himself with weapons around his family why should I trust him in public around Mine? It's a ridiculous straw man but does have some merit.
  16. Stop with your common sense. Most people that I know who carry are very loving and protective husbands and fathers who if are ever in a violent situation would prefer to have a gun and not need it to protect their Family, than need one and not have it. That's hardly a John Wayne mentality no matter how much the left tries to frame the debate that legal gun owners are off looking for trouble. It couldn't be further from the truth. The best advice is to do everything possible to not be in a situation where you would ever have to draw a gun. Some very good advice I heard in my pistol permit class. Don't go around telling people you carry for many reasons. One of which if someone doesn't like you all they have to say is you threatened them with your gun (whether you did or not won't matter) you are going to be charged with menacing. Don't get into the middle of a situation you don't understand. Example, a guy is roughing up a woman in the alley, the woman was screaming for help yelling that he's killing me. A would be good Samaritan came over and shot the guy wrestling with the woman. The guy turned out to be an undercover cop and the girl was on drugs and has stabbed the cop shortly prior. Opps.
  17. Wow I hate this case for the precednt it might set. I really hope this guy wins and it takes a chunk of the safe act with it. Who is the state to decide how many guns are too many and illegal, or where you can live and not be allowed to have them. Complete 3rd rate Gestapo tyranny
  18. I agree. I don't understand how as a country we can reconcile the fact that we are becoming increasingly divided on where we want the country to go. Half the country wants sovereign borders, the other half doesn't. Half the country wants progressive socialism, the other half wants capitalism. Etc. These are not small inconsequential differences, but issues of which civil wars have been fought over in other countries. As a country how do we reconcile where we are now and where we are going?
  19. Lol thx for the ray of sunshine. Of you want to throw in a neighboring body of water, lake st. Clair then we have Detroit beat too.
  20. That was my reference to idiotcracy
  21. It's what plants need.
  22. Omg I feel like I'm watching a scene from idiotcracy. If this is our best hope to save our country were all fuxored.
  23. Kasich at best is a RINO. I would rather let the ship sink faster, 100% on continued Clinton regressive policy than to have a RINO take the fall. I don't want a RINO. I would rather let Clinton run us into the ground and totally break the system.
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