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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. F5 F5 F5. Anyone eat at tempo recently?
  2. Innocent home owners alive and safe, check. Scumbag who wants to hurt people dead, check. Win win.
  3. Wow I thought she was a woman, it takes balls to continually recite a lie and accuse the parents of being liars. Wow.
  4. I think Rubio is dropping out soon, that should give a bump to cruz
  5. It's not the same thing. You're being obtuse and you know it.
  6. What difference does it make?
  7. He can't leave office soon enough. Ugh come on Jan.2017.
  8. Denocrats. Bernie should understand though, he earned the win but he's only entitled to his fair share of delegates. The democrat party knows best what to do with the rest of his delegates.
  9. It was a very slick play. Edit, eichel has made passed like that all year But most haven't resulted in goals. reinhart made it look easy. I know it's early but I'm wondering in reinhart might project as a winger long term. This team is set at center in the top 2 lines.
  10. Rev. Wright and Bill Ayers say hi.
  11. I think fighting in hockey is mostly dumb and wish they would get away from it. Without derailing this thread I have major issues with nhl officiating, err lack of. I wish skill and talent was showcased (how football has done everything possible to benefit offense) and not marginalized by a 33rd or 45th line grinder who can barely skate. I also think Ryan O'Reilly is the sabres captain in waiting. The sabres have a very exciting young core and it's great to watch them develop. Hopefully we can add a top 5 pick this year to that group.
  12. Not all buildings are engineered and built the same either.......
  13. What makes you think he Isn't one of the guys in black....
  14. I have more personal knowledge of hockey than I do football. And this is an interesting post. These are some interesting topics and I mostly agree with what you said. The concept of the hockey locker room is pretty deep. Those guys are serious about it and comparing football captains to hockey is funny. In hockey the captain reminds me of a grizzled old sergeant leading his you troops whom give him a lot of respect and has real leadership authority. In football it seems more ceremonial than anything. I think a part of the different culture is a football team is so much larger. Maybe the specific position group is really tight with each other, or one side of the ball. I think some of the closeness in hockey comes from guys playing with potential weapons in their hands, blades on their feet and it's allowable to punch faces. There is the whole "code" aspect. It seems players develop a mentality to stick together. Just my ramblings...
  15. They didn't wait to come here legally, they are already willfully breaking our laws. What makes you think they respect the process enough to wait to legally vote? They are already voting. The progressives ensured it by blocking reasonable common sense voter ID laws.
  16. You're right, totally implausible that a loaded 767 travelling at about 400mph would have had enough inertia to propel aircraft components that were on fire from impact a few hundred feet to a neighboring building ignitng a slowly growing fire on a lower floor, while everyone is focused on the towers it goes in noticed for some time and continues to grow. Explain how heat can't weaken steel enough to cause a collapse and how the building was designed. In not a structural engineer, you must be please explain. And again, what would said conspiracy stand to gain by taking out wtc7
  17. I'm no structural engineer, but I did stay at holiday inn express.
  18. Well...it was damaged by lots of debris during the collapse of main towers, caught fire, fire was unable to be extinguished, structurally weakened the building and it collapsed. What is the conspiracy here?
  19. I'm becoming more and more convinced this current generation of college students are going to become the generation of kitty kats. Just wait till these assclowns start showing up at your companies as co-workers. Wait till they start demanding more HR protections and sensitivity trainings etc... It is going to get ridiculous and not for the better. These cry babies need a swift kick in the nuts.
  20. Hipsters and all these college kitty kats that need safe spaces don't have the balls to take a risk and move to another country. They will just go back to their home and surround themselves with people who think like they do and cry on social media.
  21. And there should be. It will confirm that special interests and the establishment really have all the power and do not care what voters think. The people have spoken, those in power need to listen. If there is a brokered convention and an establishment chosen candidate becomes the nominee, all hell breaks loose. I think Trump is also stealing a lot of votes from angry blue collar "reagan democrats". That explains why democrat turnout is so low and Republican so high. In open primaries I think a lot of angry dems are in on the trump wrecking ball.
  22. Took a shower at her friends house because her camper didn't have water.....
  23. As a youth, beavis and butthead holds a special place in my heart. Futurama was under appreciated. South park is pretty great Simpson's had a good run at it
  24. I think Steve Quayle has a lot of similar ideas. He wrote a book on a similar topic Lol
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