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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. Like I said earlier, these are communist tactics, being lead by established terrorists like Bill Ayers. Where is the outrage over this? The more of this **** I see the more appealing trump is becoming. If the militant progressives hate him This much, maybe I should like trump more. Maybe he's on to something. Cruz/Carson have been my favorites in this race but I'm warming up to trump and would gladly vote for him against anyone on the left.
  2. I have no idea what you are trying to imply other than you are assuming everto be is a bunch of racist asshats. Instead of just assuming that's what you were ignorantly trying to imply, I thought I would ask you to clarify. My mistake Glad we had the first post racial president in history, that really worked out so well for race relations that 7 years into a failed presidency if you criticize the president it's good to know the racist level is sure to be thrown around.
  3. What are you trying to say?
  4. How would the media coverage differ if people from the right violently clashed with police and shut down an Obama rally in 07? They would be called terrorists and extremists. I turn on the news this morning and they are still talking about idiot trump supporter who punched the heckler the other day and joked about killing him. That is being covered more than a communist style political protest. The 1st ammendment and America is the real loser in all of this. These progressive socialist bullies are trying to silence their opponents. Nuff said.
  5. Much prefering the aroma of high grade lavender to digested Genny cream ale, they...
  6. Glad nothing came out of it and the allegations were unfounded
  7. One of the biggest reasons people I talk to who are trump supporters give, is they think politicians have screwed us all for the past 20 years and that special interests control all of them on both parties. They feel that trump isn't beholden to a man behind the curtain and will do his best to make the right decisions and not what a special interest industry wants him to do. He claims to want to put America first and that resonates with average people who love this country. The 2nd biggest reason I hear is they say trump is unapologetically a man. They are sick of seeing wimps in office and blame it on the feminist movement and constantly trying to make men into a bunch of Nancy's. This is nearly universal among democrats and republicans that support him of people I know who are pulling for him. Everyone knows he's not some far right conservative but much closer to middle of the road in the political spectrum. He appeals with a strong sense of nationalism and pride and optimism. People see him as a tool to be a wrecking ball to destroy the entitled career political class. A common hope is that he is the guy that can institute term limits.
  8. What happens if trump gets assassinated? Seriously if I was him I would be worried. It's another example of progressives using any means trying to stop a message they don't agree with. You don't have to agree with the guy but there is no reason to use violence to stop him. This is borderline communist to shut down your opponents rally with violence. Seriously whether you like trump or not it should bother you if you care about the first ammendment. Did you guys catch that some guy in the neighborhood bill Ayers was one of the organizing figures? And the moveon fascists.
  9. So what would have been the media reaction if a bunch of protesters violently shut down an Obama rally in Dallas in 2007? **** like this pisses me off so much because it reenforces my beliefs that this country is heading to some form of civil war 2 sooner or later because as a country we continue to divide even farther and more people are willing to condone violence from their side to accomplish their goals
  10. Gator needs to attend diversity and sensitivity training. That sounds like micro aggressive hate speech. He is implying gay guys are weak and inferior.
  11. Rockpile on a Sunday night game....
  12. Well then what do you call it when the president of the United States has a federal agency take specifically targeted puntative action against political opposition groups for no other reason than they are the opposition?
  13. Ask the Japanese Americans how they felt about being sent to concentration camps with no due process.
  14. The volleyball scene in top gun was sweet, I used that move a few times in my youth flexing my guns while looking at my watch. Come on broski. Who didn't want to be Tom cruise in that movie? Sure he went crazy in years after but whatever. The starship trooper reference was hilarious. Although it is a pretty cool cult classic.
  15. And used the IRS to target political opposition groups.
  16. I think unionization led to a lot of this. The unintended consequences of holding companies hostage to earn 20$ on an assembly line and demanding extremely generous benefits, just priced yourself out of employment. Companies couldn't afford the excessive labor costs to remain competitive Edit, and my prediction is that these idiots demanding $15per hour in fast food are going to kill their own jobs by increased automation
  17. Black lives matters are a bunch of bullies!!
  18. No most progressive liberals I've encountered behave like self righteous pompus bullies to all those who disagree.
  19. I can assure you no amount of diversity or sensitivity training can fix someone who wants to be an ignorant hater, and it can frusterate and annoy the hell out of people who are nowhere near being racists and are sick of hearing diversity training. In fact one could argue Ridiclious diversity training is a contributor to some of the race baiting and racial tensions we have now. Everyone should be treated the same, stop breaking people apart into their own unique groups.
  20. Right now I would say trump is leading the division, Cruz is "in the hunt", Marco just lost a Monday night game because he always punts on 4th and 1 but had a good showing otherwise and kasich is the buffalo bills.
  21. And Obama supporters weren't violent? How do you know these alleged trump supporters aren't actually supporting another party or candidate and their sole paid purpose is to go to rallies to make his supporters look like asses? There are a fair amount of blue collar dems buying into trump, maybe it was one of them that best up the hecklers? You don't know that not can you prove it. Unwarranted violence is stupid, ignorant and needless. It's not the same as a systematic approach used by the left to silence any dissenting viewpoints. It starts in academia and filters out across the spectrum to social media and the work place.
  22. Tolerance for the left only means tolerating viewpoints that you agree with. typically they just try to yell over you or shame you with slanderous labels into silence. Somehow that irony and their hypocrisy is lost on them...
  23. Want to know more? Click here
  24. Wtf? Creepy
  25. I think it's end of the line for rubio.
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