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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. It's very true. I got into a funny argument with a progressive friend over Christians being the same as Muslims. His point was fundamental Christians are just as violent. I laughed and said no, they're Amish. He didn't get it. Not a joke it actually happened. The most ironic thing is whom or what groups the left feels to put on a pedestal to protect. They love to court the gay and homosexual lobby. That's all well and good. They also love to make excuses for fundamental Islam. Who do they fault when Muslims are at odds with gays? When the Muslims refuse to bake a cake for a gay wedding? Refuse to sell them products or lopp their heads off? Which of their pet groups would they choose to side with
  2. I'm relatively certain if they cared enough to save our besieged Americans they could have before it was too late. There were enough special ops assets available nevermind more conventional forces. I keep envisioning a scene like in black hawk down when the 2 delta snipers Gary Gordon and Randy Shugart and pilot Michael Durant are steadily overwhelmed by a mob. Not good. And to call the fallen heros families liars is unconscionable.
  3. Best cheat code ever couldn't save her
  4. The irony is it's exactly the opposite. It's a galvanizing moment for trump supporters. It's turning into an "us vs. Them" mentality.
  5. Sorry did you say something?
  6. If you are in the 50% that supports him, great. If not get in the back seat. Yes that's unity and leadership. It's not like he used the IRS to target political opposition groups or anything. No divisiveness here move along. I am not claiming trump is a unifier but you holier than thou progressives need to check yourself and look in the mirror.
  7. Cool thanks for stopping by and conveniently ignoring the problem.
  8. Don't know why they even waste their time at Bernie events when he has 0 chance to win. Hillary is a lock with her super delegates.
  9. No one said trump is a unifier. Lets talk about the clearly documented recent examples of the militant far left
  10. Obama is the most divisive president of my lifetime. The militant progressives/commies keep getting bolder in their ptotests and riots.
  11. Is she going to prison yet? Wtf...
  12. Weird... Can't imagine this will have any unintended consequences
  13. Everyone knows Bush hated the chocolate city and used his weather warfare powers to try and wipe it out. Common knowledge
  14. An overstepping expanding police state should scare any American who has a clue to this country's founding principles and ideals. It should outrage everyone but most people are only concerned with how many likes their post got or who's winning American idol or trolling the waiver wire in fantasy, or crusing craigslist hookups
  15. China's economy isn't in great shape right now and they have to assume they are Never going to get their trillions of $ in credit back regardless. So at least IMO they would prefer to knock us down to become the world's dominant power, get us out of the way and they can do whatever they want. They steal all the wealth and resources they want in the entire Asia Pacific theater
  16. I'm waiting for something to happen with NK. I think sooner or later there will be a military coup (I'm sure their highest ranking generals are aware they all have shelf lives, and a 20mm anti aircraft cannon is waiting for them) or that they really actually do follow through on their threats. If the newest round of sanctions actually stick somehow NK is even more cut off than before and sooner or later they will react like a cornered animal. I am starting to look at The Pacific as it was back in the early 1930s. It seems like just a matter of time until there is another major war (with China playing The role of Japan.) The most paranoid conspiracy theory I have is that China will use NK as a patsie pawn to do their bidding for them for plausible deniability. I think sooner or later NK (with China urging them on) is going to detonate a high altitude emp burst over America sending us back to the stone age which will allow China to do anything they want in the Pacific and even colonize our West coast. I think if there is a war with China they will strike first in overwhelming fashion and not allow us to recover and sacrificing NK to do their bidding is a nice convenient way to accomplish their goals. Yes I'm wearing a tin foil hat, and I see a black van parked across the road....
  17. Wonder how the Chicago pd feels that their own idiot local politicians organized a violent event where their own officers were assaulted. If that's how the roll in Chicago no wonder Obama thinks he can get away with whatever he wants. Its the Chicago thug politician way. I would love to see the organizers held responsible and charged for this.
  18. Bush league at best. He's also clearly an idiot, buffalo is ON lake Erie. Not 35 miles away. He wouldn't know that because he obviously hasn't been down to canalside. The stadium is no more than a 5 min drive from the lake either.
  19. And a steer named big clyde, they then decided to....
  20. I think **** is going to get bad this summer. I hope I'm wrong but I predict there will be more rioting and unrest on the scale of fergeuson the more these political sides are in conflict. You have all the agitators of idiotlivesmatter, communist activists all stirring the pot to get the Bern supporters (who's candidate will already be eliminated by then and they will be bitter) and OWS types all riled up and on the other side are the trump supporters who will still be here because unless trump is assassinated I don't forsee a realistic scenario where he is not the nominee. Typically the right side of the political spectrum tends to stay out of the rioting and just go to work, but I see a very energized, angry and fed up group and I don't know if they will behave as predictably as in the past. I think it's going to get real ugly.
  21. That's what I was thinking. NK is delusional and paranoid. Not a good combination for a nuclear armed state.
  22. Communists have a pretty efficient record at killing their citizens en masse
  23. Wait till this summer.... At the rate things are going there will be full blown race riots between black lives matters and trump haters
  24. Because to guys like baskin its not really about racism. He cannot logically defend Obama so he pulls a page from the activist progressive handbook and stoops to throwing out unfounded inflammatory labels to silence opponents. I would vote for Carson in a second if he was nominee. But the media views black conservatives totally different th and progressive blacks. Being a conservative African American has got to be one of the lonliest places to be. Different rules.
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