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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. Curiously enough, the same can be said of his preferred candidate. Birds of a feather.
  2. The militant regressive on the left are giant hypocrites. They preach diversity. What they really mean is the only espouse the type of diversity they believe in. If your views are different from theirs, suddenly diversity goes out the window. They will talk over you, scream, disrupt, slander, assault, commit violence etc... All to stop opposing messages or vieepoints from being expressed. They are the most vile and dishonest people in the political process. They would use any despicable tactic available to silence their opposition.
  3. Coming from you, that doesn't mean anything. Thanks for stopping by. Why would I worship a trump doll?
  4. Yes asking Tom what was The deal because it wasn't adding up you fuktard.
  5. http://worldnewsdailyreport.com/usa-mysterious-nazi-submarine-from-wwii-discovered-in-great-lakes/ Weird...I hadn't seen this story yet and I didn't see it covered in local news. Tom, throw me a bone here and please identify the sub class. It doesn't resemble a typical Nazi uboat. The conning tower looks Russian?
  6. No one is condoning sabres players right now. Were pissed at Neil for once again being a piece of **** and mauling eichel after a play while he's down. Effing Bush league bull ****. I hate the the nhl allows 4th line goons to attack star players. Crosby will never amount to what he should have been because of it and the league is worse off because of it.
  7. I agree with this. The irony is how the 2 rebuilds are being covered in the media when they have literally done the same thing. I see the sabres and leafs regaining their rivalry as they both work their way on the upswing to being competitive.
  8. The government make terrible fiscal decisions often times to "preferred" sub contractors or groups who so happen to also be donors with no oversight or accountability. Spending money is a necessity. Spending money wisely and being held accountable versus pissing it away on poor decisions is not the same. I don't know who is to blame here because I havent looked very closely at it. My cynical gut reaction tells me there was government mismanagement and corruption somewhere along the way.
  9. I promise now if at the Republican convention the Republican establishment throws their hand picked candidate on the card over what the people choose, I will vote for this Andrew guy. And all you Bernie voters out there should be equally pissed over Hillary's super delegates. You guys have a more broken system. They REALLY don't care how you guys vote or who you want because it doesn't matter.
  10. He cannot compute thinking for himself. He still cannot comprehend just because the majority of posters in PPP are not regressive that we constantly disagree amongst ourselves and/or with the major parties. To him everyone that is not a blind sheep like himself is the same. I like Ted Cruz most in this election but I've come to realize on a national level I think he is unelectable. I think people have an issue with his personality (snake oil salesman) and appearance(the count). It's unfortunate because he is the purest constitutional conservative candidate we've had in at least 16 years. And he isn't going to win the sound byte war. So with realizing that my preferred candidate can't win, I re focus on my primary goal, keeping Hillary out of office. And of the Republican fields remaining candidates I can't believe I'm saying this but I think Trump has the best chance to stop her. So I will support trump once Cruz is knocked out for 2 reasons. 1- he is my best chance to keep Hillary out of office(short of her being sent to a grand jury) and protecting the constitution, supreme court nominations and the 2nd ammendment. 2- trump is also out best hope to trigger a massive implosion in Washington that is long over due. He is a tool that would be used as a wrecking ball to the establishment of both sides. And hopefully in 4 or 8 years from now the system will be less broken. I think if trump "wins" the nomination but the establishment gives the middle finger to the voters and he loses out to a brokered convention the Republican voters will stage a full out mutiny within the party and the party for all intents and purposes will be toast.
  11. Actually it might be great. I'm not sure though as there are many variables and potential outcomes. The GOP has been dying for awhile. This might be the push into the grave it needs. It needs a complete reboot with new leadership, goals, policy etc.
  12. ya man. Unfortunately to get consistently good in the NHL you need an elite core of players. The only realistic way to do this is through the draft. Fortunately the very top of the hockey draft is much more predictable than football. So based on how the system is set up the best way to build a team with a proper rebuild is still to bottom out and draft at the top for a couple years (ignore edmonton although with McDavid who knows where they go now) all I'm saying as a sabres fan, even though the past 3 years have been horrid I would "take my medicine" all over again with a rebuild instead of constantly being in the hunt to barely make 8th and get bounced in the first round. I'm looking forward to the sabres actually developing rivalries again. Lol it's been so long since anyone else cared about them
  13. Anyone who has been in office more than 2 election cycles is probably part of the problem and needs to be voted out. Too many politicians stick around because of name recognition and being part of the dominant party in the area. Our idiot county executive is going to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to decide if erie county should ban plastic shopping bags. Seriously that's the best use of time and resources he could come up with? Too many politicians want to just make new unnecessary laws just to have more control. Its sad
  14. It will create a shitstorm and effectively fracture the GOP as a viable party for the foreseeable future if not ever.
  15. I see what you're doing here. You're trying to play your cute coy nieve games with us. Since you keep asking the same questions, why don't you tell us what you think? We've been clear in our positions
  16. Thanks, but that's not a rant. Its the obvious truth as plain as the sunrise for anyone to see who is willing to logically look at a situation with a brain and not follow idiot group think on Twitter.
  17. I didn't hear that but it's so unfortunate. I remember hearing stories how over time the banging of wrenches on bulkheads trying to attract rescuers attention gradually abated as days went by and the trapped sailors passed away. Very tragic
  18. He was shot while in the midst of burglary in the woman's house. "Obviously he's innocent"
  19. They are backed and organized by race baiting militant regressive idealogy who only care about black people that are killed by white people or white Hispanic people. Its nothing more than political tool using people. The thousands of black on Black murders don't matter, they don't count and are ignored. It doesn't further their agenda.
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